An American Divorce: Signs Show Our National Divide Has Outgrown Political Solutions. Again.
It is long past time.
Time for admitted truth and a dead reckoning of reality that finds America a nation politically divided beyond repair and more importantly, independently occupied by two warring factions inside a fractious, fratricidal dispute, neither with any intention of peaceful resolve or meek arrival at compromise or reasonable mending of difference where no reasonability exists.
One side dedicated to hopeful renaissance and reawakening of the American ideal, a return to economic prosperity and room to burnish the hallowed values of quintessential American life. And beyond all that, a final Emancipation Proclamation against six decades of calculated betrayal of the American nation state by those who favor globalist insertion into the final tyranny of planet Earth.
The other side, covetous only of a return to political power, the silencing of dissenting opinion and ultimate staunching of any future repeat of the Trump populist resurgence, regardless of corporate costs, in a “Rule or Ruin” rush of madness, baseness, ugliness and dross. Soyboys and harpy feminists letting their infantile tantrums write checks that neither their bodies nor their numbers can readily cash, if only to silence the demonic cognitive rage between their ears. Pitiful Renfields that they are, driven to insanity by their master’s bloodthirsty voice.
King Solomon, split the baby already. Plowshares have long since given way to swords.
American binary policy differences that once existed along a finite gradient of bellcurve and variant shades of the same political hue are now vast chasms in ideology and governing philosophy with one side cheering not just for an opposing team but for transformational destruction of the American system and a dynamiting of the stadium where the game has been played. “Give us Communism or give us death!” is their cry.
Sic Semper Tyrannis can be the only reply.
Coexistence that has long been the laughable bumper sticker mantra of the anything-but-tolerant and ever so dainty emotionalism of the liberal left now stands in utter mockery of a grotesquely deformed movement that routinely adopts the language of the Bolshevist horde and advocates for the beheading of the President’s son (Barron Trump), the rape and murder of First Lady Melania Trump, the beheading of Senator’s wives (Corey Gardner) and children and the torture and death of entire political families from the Republican opposition (Rand Paul and family.)
Coexist, indeed. Their idiot platitudes betray them.
These are not the words or actions of a political dispute. They are the clenched fisted, trash talking windup that precedes every civil conflict in history as the intractable objective differences overtake whatever waning pangs of brotherly goodwill and commonality once existed between countrymen destined to pick up stones and arms and head for the nearest field to sort things out.
Worse things have happened. Sometimes divorce is a very, very good thing.
We’ve only been precisely here, twice before. In 1765 Stamp Act America, it’s easy to forget New World colonists were nearly evenly split over whether to fight it out with the British for a chance of self-determined national destiny or to sit down and shut up in Tory repose, pinky sipping our overtaxed tea and counting blessings as the prized plow horse of the largest monarchical empire the world had ever seen. In the ensuing decade, Thomas Paine, Ben Franklin and Patrick Henry would win the argument. God, George Washington and the French navy would win the war.
A century later, our nation’s most fervent trial found brothers, families, states and territories torn asunder to settle a feud that was less about slavery than about state’s rights in the face of an already swollen and overpowering federal government. To one side, a war to free the slaves. To the other, a war to make slaves of us all.
And so we are, again. Impossibly divided, hearts filled with hate. Eyes filled with irreconcilable resolve. One side calling for a violent fight. The other fully prepared and armed to the teeth for that battle, but dearly hoping that useful idiots, cuckolds and fools will not plunge all of us into the abyss where the legions of Mordor wait ravenously to pick the bones of our great national divide that is as intentionally fostered as the sabotage of American fortunes that put Donald Trump in office as our last great hope against the slobbering barbarians long inside our gates.
The Tree of Liberty appears parched and thirsty for the battle ahead. The new Lexington-Concord and Fort Sumter are yet to be chosen.