Assange Indictment: The Tripwire to Destroy the Deep State
In the world political poker game between globalists and populists, Julian Assange has long been the Ace of Spades. The single card to bring the house of cards to ruin. One ring to rule them all and in the darkness bind them. The one they fear. The one they so very much want to kill.
Assange holds in his computer network and in his head and presumably in a myriad of ‘Deadman’s letters,’ and death switches, tripwire details regarding any number of connections and topics, not the least of which is the true story of the American 2016 Presidential election and the lengths Democrats and the Deep State went to derail Donald Trump. His website, Wikileaks is a massive reason for their failure.
And he’s been paying the price ever since, spending six years that have aged him 25 in a subsistence flat to shield him from an assassin’s bullet and INTERPOL arrest. Deprived of anything and everything that makes life bearable.
Even as his Australian mother begs for his pardon and a release from self-imposed incarceration to avoid assassination inside the Ecuadorian embassy in London, England, the propaganda trial balloon machine is at full roar, suggesting that the 47-year old Assange will soon be expelled from safe harbor to face criminal indictment by the United States government for disclosing state secrets. A life sentence penalty for telling the truth about powerful untouchables whose secrets are more sacred than god.
Deep State cabalists should be very careful what they wish for. So should the good mother Assange. The chance of her son making it to any hearing or court date with a fully intact skull are lower than John Kennedy’s.
American Democrats, socialists, overlords and aspiring dictators want Assange not just stifled and prosecuted, but killed deader than Qaddafi and Hussein. Truth. The roster of American political royalty caught fantasizing publicly about drone-killing or otherwise dispatching Assange reads like the Bilderberger Christmas card mailing list. Bill and Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama. John McCain. John Kerry. John Brennan. Joe Biden. Did we mention Bill and Hillary Clinton?
And all of them, sans the departed John McCain want Assange dead and buried not for anything he’s said or done or revealed to date, but for what he hasn’t revealed that he certainly will.
For the illuminati bastards of the age, the Wikileaks Catch-22 doesn’t even begin to describe. If indicted, Assange has already promised to tell the whole truth in exchange for immunity. Without immunity, Assange has nothing to lose and no reason to be silent about anything. ANYTHING.
In a world where Julian Assange is a criminal and Hillary Clinton is an untouchable goddess of power and light, humanity yearns that an attempted lynching of Assange becomes the tripwire moment of the ages that finally at long last forces the truth of all truth out into the open for a dying free world to see and then believe.
With the Donald Trump administration teetering into 2019 controlled by a Democrat House bent on endless stupidity of sham investigations that would make the Salem Witch Trials embarrassed for good sense and restraint, perhaps an Assange indictment will be the forced issue and answered prayer of every American patriot hoping beyond hope for a leveling of judgment, a righteous day of atonement and a cleansing breath of restoration for a world plagued by insanity. Assange has kept his cards and his silence close to his vest, knowing as we all do that trading information for freedom or a flight to safety is his only remaining play against a world power structure eager to see him wiped away for good.
Seth Rich might give similar advice if he still could.
In a world where Julian Assange is a criminal and Hillary Clinton is an untouchable goddess of power and light, humanity yearns that an attempted lynching of Assange becomes the tripwire moment of the ages that finally at long last forces the truth of all truth out into the open for a dying free world to see and then believe.
So, my plea to the slathering, salivating devils and demons in the briar patch lair of the Deep State: Please indict Julian Assange.