VIDEO: John Brennan Loves Chemtrails and Advocates Their Continued Use Against ‘Global Warming’
Former CIA Director John Brennan, up to his eyeballs in the coming SpyGate blowback, has been discovered on video, describing and endorsing Chemtrails, or Stratospheric Aerosolized Injection, (SAI) a geoengineering practice long relegated to the realm of conspiracy theory, despite the existence of hundreds of patents for the practice dating back to the 1940’s.
For wide awake observers of the stratospheric phenomenon known as chemtrailing, it is video proof of a concept and practice long used to discredit anti-globalists as tinfoil hat conspiracists and kook fringe pretenders. Brennan, addressing a gathering of the Council on Foreign Relations expounds for several minutes about the crisis of Anthropogenic Climate Change and the necessity for human intervention by whatever means necessary.
Brennan goes on to extol the virtues of Stratospheric Aerosolized Injection as a viable means of altering the atmosphere by the injection. of lighter than air particulates like aluminum and barium salts which serve as a reflective barrier against radiational warming by the sun. Brennan describes in perfect detail a terra-forming project that has been repeatedly used over decades as a topic of discrediting conservatives and other researchers who have long insisted that this practice is already happening and that the government is actively pursuing the creation of an environment that is less hospitable to plant food production and the sustenance of human life on Earth.
The geoengineering practice, acknowledged in published reports by mainstream news outlets earlier this year and defended as a scientific necessity in response to the fabricated, data manipulated faux crisis of climate change, becomes all the more problematic given a near consensus by cosmological observers that we are already in an ebb phase of solar sunspot and coronal mass ejection activity known as a Maunder Minimum. Some scientists have even projected that the heliotropic analysis of solar radiational tendencies suggests a solar grand minimum could be in the offing, similar to the period that spawned the Little Ice Age which lasted for nearly 500 years between about 1300 and 1800.
The use of geoengineering practices and terraforming for intentional cooling operations on an organized scale can be seen as nothing other than an irresponsible lofting of human technology with unknown and unknowable long term consequences. If combined with the similar effects of a simultaneous large scale volcanic eruption or a cooling trend by the sun, the resultant cooling of the planet could be catastrophic, pushing earth temperatures well below optimum growing levels for plant life and shortening growing seasons to unsustainable periods across the agricultural breadbasket of the northern hemisphere in both North America and the European continents.
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