Dangers of Trump Cultism: A Derailed Agenda and Increased Risk of Deep State Assassination

If you give Donald Trump a free pass even when he’s dead wrong, because he happens to be the most refreshingly powerful disruptive change agent and enemy of the establishment in American political history, you’re not doing your job. What’s more, you’re putting him in even greater danger of being eliminated.
–Shad Olson
Trump cultism and blindness to areas of troubling policy by devoted followers are no less dangerous than Hillary cultism, Climate Change cultism or any other fan club zealotry that replaces adulation for a human being with reasonable analytic of actual impacts of word and deed. I refuse to be afflicted.
Blind loyalty is not in my DNA. I don’t drink anyone’s Kool Aid, regardless of how much I respect their brand or how thirsty we all were for their arrival on the American stage.
I backed this man and publicly predicted his 2016 victory to the scorn and ridicule of everyone on both sides of the aisle who believed that either Jeb Bush or John Kasich would be the GOP nominee. Nobody but nobody outlined with similar demographic and polling precision the reasons I knew Trump would win the rust belt, destroy the illusion of Democrat working class sympathy and begin what has been the absolute cave in of Democrat minority support on the basis of economic result, rather than hateful rhetoric and empty promises. Beyond that I told readers and even mainstream television viewers that Donald Trump was the only GOP candidate in a field of 17 who could defeat Hillary Clinton, and why. That analysis is the reason many of you reading this found me and are still here.
I backed Donald Trump for President as early as 2011, because I believed he would be a sledgehammer to the skull of the bureaucracy and because I knew his parents had a political background and specific club affiliation (JBS) similar to my own upbringing and that no one steeped in certain streams of information can come away untouched by the reality of the plan to kill America. Trump was a patriot sleeper cell his entire life. I was absolutely certain of it.
Those assessments were confirmed in spades when every single facet of the establishment power structure aligned against him and attempted to destroy the movement, if not kill the man outright for disrupting their game. You know a man better by his enemies than by his friends. Even in 2015, Donald Trump’s enemies list was a who’s who of the worst of the worst. Their level of unhinged hatred was sweet honey wine of affirmation.
Has he succeeded in many ways that exceeded even my wildest expectations for the country? Yes and yes.
That said, when he does or says things that are wrong, I will highlight it. I am not a blind loyalist. If that offends you, stick to Q. While you’re at it, maybe ask him why Alex Jones hasn’t been killed yet for being a Mossad agent and why December 5th, 2017 came and went without Hillary being perp walked on national television. Or ask about any of the six dozen times when he/they were flat dead wrong about predictions and were given a free pass. “Because those parts were disinfo.”
I have a list.
Seems to me that any line of info that results in hordes of American patriots simply sitting on their hands believing no further action is required “because nothing can stop what is coming,” might be disinformation in toto and not simply in part. But that’s me. My sources are real people with names, faces and access. My publication of what they tell me is a matter of trust. But I digress.
Unconditional love for Donald Trump deprives him of the political accountability necessary to stay in office. What’s far worse, it becomes a sanction for terrible policies when he misses the mark in a way that defeats the very reasons he was elected.
His recent television comments on silencers/suppressors bears the point. Clear messages need to be sent that we are watching very closely and that we didn’t hire him to sound like Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama on guns. Or to make mincemeat of the gun accessory list in some misguided appeasement of the gun grabbing crazies.
When the Millerites predicted Christ’s return and when Mayan calendar-heads believed the world would end in 2012 and when Y2K was going to crash every jetliner from the sky, I was a skeptic’s skeptic. When Harold Camping predicted the rapture not once but twice in the same year and missed both times, I pointed and laughed and then called heresy for what it was. “No man knows the hour.”
I am preternaturally anti-cult. If you need your cult to be right, even when they’re wrong…..I will disappoint you. I specialize in liberally applied doses of cognitive dissonance.
If you give Donald Trump a free pass even when he’s dead wrong, because he happens to be the most refreshingly powerful disruptive change agent and enemy of the establishment in American political history, you’re not doing your job.
What’s more, you’re putting him in even greater danger of being eliminated.
Trump’s job is to smash the tyrants and dismantle the plot to destroy America at every level.
Our job is to make sure he never strays an iota from that task and to constantly remind Trump’s would be assassins that the size of the movement and the passion of our ideals cannot be neutralized simply by removing the man at the top. We are coming for them, one way or another. Easy way, hard way, their choice.
With Donald Trump or without him, our commitment to God, country, Constitution and essential liberty remain a solemn bond worth sacrificing our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor.
It’s the only way to truly make America great again.