The Shad Olson Show, August 11, 2020

Unique, enlightening and intelligent conservative talk radio with Emmy-winning investigative reporter, published author and broadcast veteran, Shad Olson.
The American “Arab Spring”: BLM-ANTIFA Summer of Rage Sets Pretext for United Nations Removal of “Dictator” Donald Trump in “Humanitarian Uprising.”
–The template is set. The operation is in play. Regardless of the outcome of the November election, (which Trump is very likely to lose) the Left’s fallback position is a forcible removal of Donald Trump from office with United Nations fiat in keeping with the 2011-2015 Arab Spring regime change model in the Middle East.
–Shad Olson wrote as early as February 2017 that the favored destination of the Communist delegitimization operation against Donald Trump was never impeachment, but forcible removal from office. With the United Nations’ threatening “humanitarian intervention” against Federal agents protecting Federal property and assets from the ANTIFA mob, it’s clear that Donald Trump will be in ever greater peril in the final 80 days before the 2020 election.
–In a recent strategic simulation session by the DNC, John Podesta playing the role of Joe Biden, refused to concede an Electoral College defeat by Donald Trump, insisting on a popular vote victory as legitimate and protesting that the Democrat base would never allow him to concede an electoral defeat. In the simulation, the states of Washington, Oregon and California threatened to secede from the Union unless Biden was declared duy elected President of the United States and American citizens demurred to the military to see which candidate would be recognized as President.
–All roads lead to Civil War 2.0 in the United States, regardless of who wins the 2020 election.
–Mentally deranged cultural Marxists in America are not insisting on authoritarian compliance to their race obsessed stupidity simply for political objectives. They are doing it because they have literally been debilitated into a state of mental incompetence and emotional instability that makes it impossible for them to function and succeed in an open society. Only a closed society that is fully under their control will facilitate and allow for the dysfunction and insanity of the SJW demon horde. They are worthless and incompetent to function in any normal environment that doesn’t conform fully to their insanity. And THAT is the legacy of John Dewey public education on demand in the United States.
–Stop the insanity. THERE IS NO ENTHUSIASM GAP FAVORING TRUMP. Democrats are not just enthusiastic, they are gnashing at the bit to vote against Donald Trump, against America and in favor of the destruction of the nation. They are NOT voting for Joe Biden. They are voting for an end to the United States as a nation.
Will Donald Trump’s historic economic resurgence continue or will America be plunged into the designed collapse and chaos of the intentional destruction of the globalist totalitarian vision?
Click red links below to play audio segments in separate player page.
Hour 1.
The Shad Olson Show August 11, 2020 Segment 1–Left Prepared to Depose Donald Trump
The Shad Olson Show August 11, 2020 Segment 2–Mass Mental Illness is Ruining America
The Shad Olson Show August 11, 2020 Segment 3–America’s Cultural Revolution Will be Bloody
The Shad Olson Show August 11, 2020 Segment 4–America’s Delusional Return to Segregation
Hour 2.
The Shad Olson Show August 11, 2020 Segment 5–Sally Yates is Clinically Insane
The Shad Olson Show August 11, 2020 Segment 6–2020 is the Year of Luciferian Control
The Shad Olson Show August 11, 2020 Segment 7–Sam Kephart on A Communist USA
The Shad Olson Show August 11, 2020 Segment 8–Dollar Devaluation Reserve Replacment Looms