The Shad Olson Show, August 25, 2020

Unique, enlightening and intelligent conservative talk radio with Emmy-winning investigative reporter, published author and broadcast veteran, Shad Olson.
Triggering the Matrix: Deep State Misery Operation Carries a Deadly Specific Purpose: To Get Humanity to Self-Select for a Virtual Existence and Upload to a Transhumanist Artificial Reality. Yes, Really.
–People often puzzle over the endgame analysis of what could possibly be gained by a deliberate degradation of the human experience on planet earth by the elitist cabal. As Shad Olson spells out, the destination has always been an Earth devoid of humanity and the triggering of the species “Death Instinct” using deliberate infliction of suffering and privation to get human beings to choose an uploaded “immortality” duplication of human consciousness that mimics in every way the experiences of human existence, but that erases the individual soul forever. The Mark of the Beast is Artificial Intelligence.
–Donald Trump is asked a “GOTCHA!” question about the QAnon movement and the “theory” that Trump is head of an operation to save the world from satanic pedophiles and cannibals. Trump’s epic response highlights the stupidity and naïveté of the mainstream media. “What’s wrong with that? Would that be such a bad thing?”Epic.
–In the strange afterglow of Joe Biden’s formal nomination references to an era of “DARK FORCES,” Shad Olson and Sam Kephart discuss the Luciferian pedophile cabal that has been running the planet for centuries as an energy extraction mechanism for the harvesting of human fear, anxiety and misery and the “DARK FORCE” generator that is the power source of the New World Order’s drive for a post-human world. In the same way that Adrenochrome stimulation and harvesting is facilitated through ritualized sexual abuse, the Illuminati elite purposely maintain the world population in a state of perpetual policy desperation, both for the exercise of full spectrum dominance and for the ritualized harvesting of dark human energy as a sacrament to Satan himself.
–Just as Shad Olson predicted in 2016, a growing list of mainstream GOP acolytes continue their Vichy French betrayal of Donald Trump with George W. Bush, John Kasich, Mitt Romney, Cindy McCain, and a cast of hundreds of traitors yet to be announced, formally endorsing Joe Biden. And this is the final play. Once Trump’s political star has been sufficiently weakened through cloak and dagger at every turn, it will not be the Democrats who plunge the final sword. Trump is not their kill to make. That honor, as mea culpa, belongs to the mainstream GOP, in expiation for the sin of allowing Donald Trump’s conquering of the Republican machinery and subsequent rise to power. And steps will be taken to make the GOP primary process every bit as superfluous and inconsequential as that of the DNC, so that no outsider will ever rise so quickly, so high and so close within striking distance of the belly of the beast, ever again.
Will Donald Trump’s historic economic resurgence continue or will America be plunged into the designed collapse and chaos of the intentional destruction of the globalist totalitarian vision?
Click red links below to play audio segments in separate player page.
Hour 1.
The Shad Olson Show August 25, 2020 Segment 1–Trump’s EPIC Response to the Q Question
The Shad Olson Show August 25, 2020 Segment 2–GOP Traitors Turn Against Trump
The Shad Olson Show August 25, 2020 Segment 3–The Matrix is Not Coming. It is here.
The Shad Olson Show August 25, 2020 Segment 4–Big Mike’s Inversion of Empathy Speech
Hour 2.
The Shad Olson Show August 25, 2020 Segment 5–Kamala Harris: America’s Madame Mao
The Shad Olson Show August 25, 2020 Segment 6–Weather Underground to BLM-ANtiFA
The Shad Olson Show August 25, 2020 Segment 7–Sam Kephart on Communist Infiltration
The Shad Olson Show August 25, 2020 Segment 8–Sam Kephart on the Coming Death Vaccine