America’s Dangerous Oil Game: Enforcing The Dying Petrodollar
A paradigm shift.
It’s the kind of thing that only happens when you wake up one day and realize that the motivations, objectives, and intrinsic morality that you always believed your country possessed have been replaced with a frantic drive to salvage a dead currency. Read it here and understand: Every so-called war, every regime change, every Middle Eastern coup since 1990 has been an economically-necessitated action by the United States to prevent a mass exodus from the dollar as a reserve currency, specifically relating to the world petroleum market.
Saddam Hussein and Muamar Qaddafi were not killed for human rights violations, or because they lacked respect for western ideals or firepower. They were chased into spider holes and dragged through streets and deposed because both wanted to sell their national oil reserves for Gold-backed Dinars rather than U.S. dollars. Their ‘Weapon of Mass Destruction,’ as it were, was a mutual and intended exit from the dollar as the currency of denotation for the world oil supply that almost certainly would have resulted in a wholesale realignment of OPEC toward similar compensatory strategem.
If even one nation were to achieve such an objective, the American monetary system as we know it would undergo a rapid destruction that would make Weimar Germany look tame by comparison. This is truth. The Petro-dollar connection must be maintained at any cost, because the consequences of unhinging the oil-backed greenback are unthinkable to both the United States and the world. Hence, America’s armed forces have been reduced to an ad-hoc police squad, enforcing global adherence to the Oil-Dollar at the point of a gun.
Since America’s exit from the gold standard, the value of the dollar has been inextricably tied to the value of a barrel of oil. When that relationship dissolves, America’s viability as an economic power and even as a first world nation will dissolve as well.
Truthfully and accurately, the thing known as the Arab Spring has been an object lesson to national leaders the world over: toe the line, honor the dollar, or pay the price. It is not the Arab Spring, but the ‘Dollar Preservation Spring.’ America’s economic survival and more crucially, the solvency of the world banking cartel depend on it. The devaluation of the dollar by the Federal Reserve devalues the petroleum resource of every oil-rich nation on the planet.
As countries like China and India and even Russia race to back their currencies with large amounts of yellow metal, the pressure for a dollar exit as reserve currency continues to build. Those nations willing to deal oil for gold or gold-backed currencies are negotiating with Middle Eastern sovereign wealth managers to implement a managed detachment of crude oil transactions from the U.S. Dollar; a generational shift in power that will signal the end of American economic dominance that began with the industrial revolution.
At the moment, China’s ability to back every Yuan in circulation with nearly two ounces of physical gold makes that nation the odds-on favorite to supplant the U.S. as the ruling nation in the world banking cartel. The haves and have nots are about to change seats, and the resulting geopolitical fallout from such a tectonic shift will be cataclysmic and swift.
The Oil-dollar connection and the natural gravitation of world currency markets back toward gold and away from oil is the hook in the jaw that will draw Russia, China and the United States into a final conflict over the future currency of the world. Gog and Magog will have their day in the valley of Megiddo.