Cesar Sayoc: ‘MAGA Bomber’ Facebook Betrays Democrat Trump Infiltrator, Anti-GOP Posts

While the mainstream media quickly labels Cesar Sayoc as a bona fide, Trump-loving, conservative Republican, social media and internet investigation shows the alleged, “MAGA Bomber” listed as a registered Democrat since 1980, (only changing to Republican in 2016,) and reveals multiple social media posts hating Republicans and the GOP, bashing George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, posting photos of Bush and Cheney as “war criminals,” and praising Code Pink, “liberal women,” as “the beautiful women of the world.” And that’s only the beginning.
The arrest of 56-year old, Cesar Altieri Sayoc of Aventura, Florida, also known as Cesar Sayoc, or Cesar Altieri Randazzo, as he is known on facebook, on allegations he is responsible for the flurry of fake bombs sent to Democrat leaders just days before the 2018 midterm election, brought immediate identification of Sayoc as a diehard Trump supporter driving a pristine, unvandalized (despite multiple alleged trips through vehemently anti-Trump metropolitan areas, more on that later) “Trump Van” wrapped and plastered with Trump paraphernalia in what appears an over the top Trump tribute befitting a circus routine. Or, very likely, someone trying way too hard to appear a Donald Trump supporter.
According to a sweep of personal data and internet background information, Sayoc, of Aventura, Florida, is a former professional soccer player, former male dancer, male review coordinator, casino entertainment marketing and events promoter, and longtime tribal casino employee who claims to have worked at multiple Florida locations, most recently as an events promoter and marketing specialist with the Seminole Hard Rock Casino in Florida, a company owned by the Seminole Tribe and run by Seminole sovereign nation, traditionally, massively and publicly anti-Trump and staunchly Democrat in both their leadership and lucrative Democrat financial support, along with the majority of their enrollment.
Contrary to initial reporting by major outlets, Cesar Altieri Sayoc is of Philippine derivation and is not of Native American heritage, either of Seminole Nation, which quickly and publicly disavowed any tribal affiliation, or of any other Native American tribe. In online biographies, Sayoc can be found describing his own love of animal medicine and his academic efforts to became a veterinarian, which apparently fell short. He writes glowingly of his Filipino grandfather, Baltazar Zook Sayoc, a renowned surgeon whom Cesar says was instrumental in founding a number of Philippine hospitals, and of his mother, Madeline Sayoc, whom he claims as “first president of the pharmacy cosmetic association.” (screenshots below)
While a spokesman for the Seminole Tribe issued a public statement denying Cesar Altieri Sayoc ever worked for the tribe or for was an employee for the casino, multiple pictures on his social media accounts show him at the Hard Rock Casino, posing with employees, entertainment acts and friends.
The Seminole Nation purchased the Seminole Hard Rock Casino on December 7, 2006.
Members of the Seminole tribal leadership have served as high level and lucratively pocketed Democrat donors and political activists. This is a developing story, with moving pieces that are only beginning to coalesce.
It should be noted that the Seminole purchase of the Hard Rock Casino deepened native tribes already long-running competition in the lucrative casino industry competing directly against Donald Trump Casino properties up and down the East Coast, in locations from Florida, New Jersey and Connecticut. Florida is the third largest Indian gaming state in the nation. It has seven Indian casinos. Six are owned and operated by the Seminole Tribe of Florida, which owns and runs Seminole Hard Rock Casino where Sayoc claims that he worked.
On the surface, Cesar Altieri Sayoc (Randazzo’s) facebook profile, deleted and scrubbed at 11:25 am MDT Friday but captured and kept open by yours truly and other investigators, reads like a year-long fever infatuation with Trump mania, showing him at multiple Trump rallies, always in an ubiquitous red MAGA hat and posing for blurry lensed photos at Trump rallies in multiple states.
Closer inspection however finds inexplicable and conflicting nuances in Sayoc’s posts that defy logic and common sense. For example, multiple posts from the Trump 2016 campaign trail seem to have garnered virtually no attention or acclaim from Sayoc’s sprawling friends list. One post from October 13, 2016 shows selfie video of Cesar Altieri Sayoc at a Donald Trump rally somewhere during the campaign, again, with very blurry lens. Despite being posted for two years, and with a current friends list of 2,775 people, that momentous video #MAGA moment with a supposedly rabid Trump fan at an expectedly raucous Trump rally had tallied only a single “like” by any of Sayoc’s friends list.
One like, in two years.
Given the contagious enthusiasm of truly Trumpian folks and their close knit networking of other #MAGA friends, true fans will tell you that Trump rally clips are like catnip to the #MAGA crowd that are shared and liked and enjoyed vicariously by anyone truly friendly to the Trump cause. A single like in two minutes, two hours or two weeks for a live rally video clip in your sporty red MAGA hat would be a disappointment. One like in two years with your best Trump buddies chiming in? Not bloody likely or plausible. Unless of course, you’re posting to a fake facebook profile for a fake pipe bomb political operation.
Another post features a meme, apparently evidencing Cesar Altieri Sayoc’s anger at Hillary Clinton’s famously documented cheating, spying, and delegate disenfranchising of Democrat frontrunner Bernie Sanders in the 2016 Democrat Presidential Primary (photo below,) while his Twitter account (pictured below) indicates his following of only 32 public figures, all of them Democrat heavies like Bill and Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and profanely vitriolic Leftist comic and writer, Lena Dunham.
His 2016 posts offer a picture of someone trying equally hard to leave a mountainous muddy trail of his true political leanings prior to undertaking an act of false flag provocateurism for political effect, including a years long apparent obsession with ISIS and the Syrian conflict, fixation with Vladimir Putin’s brutal dealings with ISIS in Syria and Iraq and a string of muddled posts that have either been edited post-hence, or were originally placed with no sensitivity to seemingly conflicted simultaneous imagery, praising for example feminist anti-Trump protestors AND Donald Trump in the same post.
On one photo, (above) Sayoc’s caption repeatedly references and praises “PRESIDENT” Donald Trump in July of 2016, FIVE MONTHS prior to Trump’s entirely unlikely election victory, at a time when no one but a few of us were willing to publicly predict Trump’s victory, much less refer to him as President. The same post cluster of photos also features a picture from what appears a feminist rally, alongside gushing support for Trump by Sayoc and his male review buddies.
Far more revealingly, scrolling past 2016 to 2015 reveals Cesar Altieri Sayoc (Randazzo) as a hater of former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney, evidenced by photos of Bush with blood on his hands and photos of Bush and Cheney portrayed as Nazi war criminals in best keeping with far leftist hate groups widely circulated portrayal of the Bush administration as war criminals. Are these the photos an average rabid, diehard, dyed in the #MAGA-wool, Trump supporter would sport on their page in 2015? Highly unlikely.
Elsewhere on the internet, just seconds after Cesar Altieri Sayoc’s apprehension, his public listing identified him as a Democrat. (Below) Moments later, the listing was updated by someone, changing his listing from Democrat, to “Republican.” While it’s been noted that MyLife is a publicly edited page, I captured his Democrat party affiliation within seconds of the announcement of his apprehension and then watched in amazement as his party affiliation changed from Democrat to Republican before my very eyes, capturing screenshots as quickly as I could to document the changes. (Photos)
An avid bodybuilder and mixed martial artist, Cesar Altieri Sayoc is frequently pictured mid or post workout, posing with gym friends and others or commenting on the success of his physical regimen. His playing days behind him as a lower tier professional soccer player, he still spent time on the pitch, kicking his soccer ball and running drills to sharpen his skills.
And unless his sexual preference is a also a matter of false flag deception, Sayoc apparently had an eye for other interests as well.