Deep State Trap: Migrant Caravan Massacre False Flag to Depose Trump

It’s coming.
What propaganda central and the mainstream, fakestream media would have you believe is a spontaneous humanitarian wave of migrant tragedy, arriving on America’s southern sun porch at or near precise moment Americans go to the polls to decide whether Donald Trump is impeached, deposed, dispatched or otherwise obstructed by the desperate Deep State actors at his throat, to get to yours.
Their election day Halloween trick to go with fake bombs, fake Trump vans and all the rest of the contrived psychological trimmery used to frame Trump’s Presidency as a national disaster, rather than the unmitigated, unbridled, unprecedented, record setting and still roaring economic and policy success that it is.
And President Donald Trump is walking into a trap.
A “Migrant Wave of Tonkin,”-style trap, if you’ll allow. A false flag trap with the potential to end his Presidency with both public relations and extraconstitutional zeal.
As sure as the trundling masses optical Election Day arrival times perfectly at the southern border, a nagging tingle in my extrasensory apparatus tells me the Deep State’s political shadowplay is only beginning. The actors will soon take their places center stage. The only question is, who is calling the shots? And more importantly, who will be firing the shots that matter most?
Both sides are playing optical poker at the moment. That’s the reason for Trump’s pre-departure military assurance that U.S. soldiers WILL NOT fire on the aspiring migrant band. Rather than an early tipping of intention and strategic blunder, Trump is making it as clear as treasonous media outlets will let him that the military will enforce the border, but will not be engaged in firefight with the arriving horde.
He wants the world to know his intentions.
But the other side is giving tells, too. Constant reminders that there “Could be right wing militia groups in the area,” warnings this week to Texans that, “Armed civilians might be in the area,” and of course, the poetic, stupefying drivel from the morons playing dress up on CNN that there ‘COULD BE SKIRMISHES BETWEEN MILITIA AND THE U.S. MILITARY.”
Constant programming the sheep for the second act of the play. You know, when the long desert procession gives way to the climactic clash between Trump’s efforts at sane immigration policy and the Cloward and Piven open borders sabotage that George Soros and the left openly tell you is their pathway to eternal victory.
More Trump vans with stickers, no doubt, disgorging waves of “Trump” people in full camo, except for their MAGA hats and their AR-15’s plastered with Donald Trump’s face covered in Cheeto kisses. Because in present day America, no one who hasn’t served military under the age of 37 has the ability to distinguish a false flag cutout. Unless maybe, it sends a naked selfie. It rubs the lotion on it’s skin, or it gets the hose again.
The very real likelihood I believe is the presence of Deep State, United Nations, Islamists and or, other actors still to be named, positioning themselves in the Texas desert (or Arizona, since cooperation with friendly Democrat local officials presents a much less hazardous option) for the ultimate Trump trap involving either firing wantonly on the U.S. military, or mowing down tens of thousands of migrant men women and children in a massacre that will be blamed on Pro-Trump vigilantes and “violent extremists from the far right.”
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand the power of those kind of images and the desperate socialist pressures that would be applied from every quarter, pushing for Trump’s removal, a reinstallation of civility, as Hillary called it and a wresting of American government from a duly elected President, all out civil war, be damned.
I’d blame ANTIFA for such a maneuver, but I’m just not ready to invest in that level of tactical proficiency from the the side that brings steel batons to a fistfight and still ends up in a coma. But let us not forget, all the endless videos on Youtube and elsewhere, showing leftist, pro-Marxist ANTIFA types showing off their new weapons purchases and clearly preparing themselves, albeit pitifully for some sort of operation.
The southern border confrontation is a propaganda trap for the ages, with the possibility of human casualties on a mass scale in the hands of a coopted globalist media of pool cameras, discrete video feeds and every motive in the world to paint Donald Trump with the same brush leveled against Saddam Hussein, Muammar Qaddafi, Mohammed Morsi and Basshar Assad.
The leftists programmers have been showing you “Trump the Nazi,” for two years, on top of your previous PhD in ‘organic democratic uprisings’ and regime changes for humanitarian salvation in the Middle East, complete with lectures from Barack Obama about how Egyptians had so much to teach Americans about democracy. Yes, Barack. As memory serves, CBS correspondent, Lara Logan took her democracy lesson lying down.
And with nothing less than the survival of free humanity and the continued efforts of Donald J. Trump to revive the previously comatose American patient hanging in the scales, let us not be foolish enough to believe that fake bombs and a frustrated male stripper are the full extent of the chicanery.
Anything is possible.
It’s always been the Deep State plan to bring the George Soros Arab Spring to America. With Donald Trump dragged out of a spider hole and paraded before the world as the criminal they desperately need him to be.
We will watch and wait and wonder, whether President Trump and the American people are smart enough to step around the snare.