VIDEO: Fascist AOC Cuts Mic on Constituent While Discussing ‘Free Speech’
At a recent constituent event in Queens, New York, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez added vivid object lesson to the already obvious war on free speech in America, abruptly cutting the microphone of an audience member who was questioning her stance on so-called, ‘hate speech,’ and the left’s constant quest to tell Americans what we can and cannot say.
The lightly attended event, captured on video shows an exchange between attendee, James Scott Berry and AOC, regarding the authoritarian left’s push to criminalize political dissent as “incitement to violence,” a phrase used by Ocasio-Cortez and others to describe criticisms of blatantly anti-American Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, whose nonchalant description of the 9-11 Islamic terror attacks drew anger from President Trump and a wide swath of the nation. President Trump tweeted the now infamous video of Congresswoman Ilhan Omar saying, “Some people did something…” referring to the 19 Saudi Arabian hijackers and their accomplices.
At the event, AOC and James Scott Berry discussed Trump’s response to Omar’s statements, with Ocasio-Cortez claiming that the President’s sharing of that video endangered Ilhan Omar and constituted an incitement to violence. As the event video shows, the discussion escalated from there with James Scott Berry calling AOC’s characterization of the sharing of a video “fascist and absurd.”
Here’s a brief transcript of the exchange:
“I think that at the bedrock of what you are discussing is freedom of speech and the freedom of expression,” the congresswoman said. “I think that we have a freedom to express ourselves, but we should also know that in the United States there are also limitations on our freedom of speech.”
“No, only if it involves violence or threats, things that are illegal,” Berry interjected.
“Exactly,” AOC said.
“But that’s not free speech, threats are not free speech,” Berry continued. “I don’t think you should say that because that’s confusing the issue.”
Berry’s microphone was then turned off. As Ocasio-Cortez continued her lecture he repeatedly attempted to respond but could not.
“I just want to introduce some nuance to the conversation,” she said. “I’m just trying to introduce some nuance to the conversation. I’m not trying to have an argument here, I want to have a discussion.”
Berry responded, but without the microphone it’s unclear what he said. In the background, Berry can be heard attempting to make himself heard and questioning the lunacy of a discussion of free speech where microphones are used to silence dissenting opinion.
“If you didn’t turn my mic off, I wouldn’t have to raise my voice,” Berry told AOC’s aide. “You fascists turned my mic off.”
“Oh sir, no, no,” the congresswoman said. “You can turn his mic on, you didn’t have to turn it off.”
“Thank you very much,” Berry said, microphone restored.
“No, it’s totally fine,” AOC said. “I think for me sir, my concern is we have freedom to say I hate this, or I hate that. Where I do get concerned is where that line is played with so that we have plausible deniability to incite violence against people.
“I don’t think the president should have tweeted that video that he tweeted,” AOC said, referring to a video of fellow Justice Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar minimizing the 9/11 terrorist attacks as “some people did something.”
“Do I think he should have gone to jail for it? Absolutely not,” she continued. “But I don’t think he should have done that. I think by endangering Congresswoman Omar he was playing with this line, and … ”
“Well, I disagree,” Berry said, cutting Ocasio-Cortez off mid-sentence. “She endangered herself.”
Berry then offered his assessment on AOC’s perspective.
“That’s not endangerment by showing a true video. So showing the truth is endangerment, is inciting violence, to show the truth. That is fascism,” Berry fumed. “His right to show the truth of what happened is just as valid as her right to say whatever she wants to say.”
AOC defended her statement, insisting that some forms of speech are wrong and dangerous.
“It is,” she agreed. “And sir, that’s why he’s not being…that’s why there’s no charges being brought against him.”
“He’s being criticized by you as though there should be charges,” Berry pointed out.
“No, no, I don’t think there should be charges,” AOC said.
“You say he’s inciting violence against her,” Berry responded.
“I think he is,” AOC said.
“That’s absurd,” Berry replied. “You cannot incite violence. Inciting violence is illegal.”
“You’re bringing incitement and hate speech together, which is totally absurd and fascist,” he concluded.
Berry’s microphone was eventually taken, with someone in the audience yelling, “NEXT!!” for dramatic effect.
Welcome to a discussion of free speech in the fascist land of AOC.