Trump’s America Versus the Globalist Dream of a Chinese Millennium

Trump’s trade war with China has resulted in fundamental devastation of the Chinese economy across multiple indicators that threatens broad scale economic and social destabilization and looming food insecurity for the largest and most brutally oppressed population on the planet.
In very simple cause-and-effect nomenclature, revolution beckons. For a generation of military aged males, deprived of the connubial company of 72-million similarly aged females aborted under China’s one child policy, it is either revolution or quite likely, an angry stormtrooper’s march of rage into ready made territorial conquest in a human wave such as the world has never known.
And in America, Democrats are actively colluding with Sinocentric big tech and social media companies and with the Communist Chinese regime to undermine Donald Trump and force “regime change” not for the world’s most efficiently brutal dictatorship facing the human wave of civil unrest by 1.5-billion inhabitants, but against an American patriot billionaire who set aside a life of riches and comfort to stave off globalized implementation of the Chinese model of full spectrum social control and the end of the American nation.
Democrats are not an American political party. They are Chinese conspirators actively opposing the reversal of 40 years of intentional sabotage and fostered Chinese ascension to the world throne undertaken by ambitious social planners in the world ruling elite. Ask Diane Feinstein’s driver. 25 years a Chinese spy.
In full view, but beyond the comprehension of the dullards and neophytes of modern American media and culture, Trump’s economic, domestic and foreign policies are an all out holistic war to expose the bartering of America’s birthright to the Beijing dragon. From nullification of the Trans Pacific Partnership, the gutpunch of tariff and trade disruption, to the neutralization of Kim Jong Un and the severing of the Chinese leash on the North Korean attack dog that had been so effectively used in a program of global nuclear blackmail benefitting Chinese interests and dictating terms in their improbable winning streak of 12-15% growth rate over decades, Trump is laying waste to the Deep State-Chinese conspiracy to destroy the United States and fully accomplish Tri-Lateral regionalized world government.
And this is the real reason our beloved, treasonous Democrats are so god-awful pissed. Their brokerage arrangement to make America a lesser prefecture under Chinese rule is being unwritten in real time. By the only man in a century willing to call their rigged game for the treason it has been.
And they are fighting him at every step, for reasons so patently obvious as to require no open statement.
Democrats are not an American political party. They are Chinese conspirators actively opposing the reversal of 40 years of intentional sabotage and fostered Chinese ascension to the world throne undertaken by ambitious social planners in the world ruling elite. Ask Diane Feinstein’s driver. 25 years a Chinese spy.
As evidenced by his recent and very malignant interference in the U.S.-Chinese trade negotiations and an outright scuttling of a Trump trade deal that would have been rocket fuel for the American market, Barack Obama has far more in common with the global objectives of Xi Jinping than with Donald Trump’s America first platform.
If you as a Democrat are comfortable with that truth, then there is no more need for the pretense of elections on this soil.
Because you are not an American. You are a traitor.