Aleister to Hitler to Abramovic: Luciferian Pedophilia Powers the Deep State and Rules the World
In the California desert, two men and a woman writhe naked in a frenzied sweating orgy of sexual insanity. Day and night, sunburned by firelight and covered with the grit of the desert winds they exhaust themselves with every combination of carnal coupling that can be accomplished or imagined, pausing only for water, alcohol, hashish or speed, or a brief rest before beginning again in chanting libidinous incantation of Satanic tongue and the unholy sacrament of their deadly demon’s rite.
Their lascivious ambition is to open a portal to hell and shift the very axis of the physical human dimension. By repeated ritualistic insemination in her most fertile time and at precise planetary alignment, the two aspiring sires are hoping to impregnate the woman with a soulless child who will become the spawn of destruction and the seat of power on planet Earth. It must be done exactly according to instruction. She must conceive while experiencing simultaneous sodomy and at the very climax of sexual magick.
Spurred along by synchronized seance incantations of likeminded Theosophical sex magick covens in France, Spain, England and Germany, the two men are hoping to father the Antichrist. A moon child. An empty vessel before an open portal, waiting for full indwelling of Satan himself, to rid the world of Christian and Jew and inaugurate a new metaphysical age where a chosen master race of humanity seeks ultimate enlightenment through the libertine sexual excesses of pleasure and perversion, while those deemed genetically or ideologically unworthy are oppressed, destroyed and dismissed from the planet forever. The Fuhrer is dead, but the work must continue. The most important work of all. The work that Baphomet has taught them. Thelema. Ordo Templi Orientis.
For these are no ordinary men in the desert that day in late 1945. One, a Naval intelligence officer and a master artist of espionage and alternate identity. The other, the most brilliant American rocket scientist of the age and eventual captain of Jet Propulsion Laboratories. The Rocketeer, as he’ll someday be immortalized, is avowed occultist and NASA founder, John Whitesides “Black Jack” Parsons. The other man, the destined founder of the Church of Scientology, who will one day refashion the Luciferian principles of Thelema into a sanitized modern practice known as Dianetics. Known to the world as L. Ron Hubbard.
Both are students of one Aleister Crowley. Baphomet 666. The self appointed, “Great Beast.” In the final decade of his life. The woman is Marjorie Cameron, romantic conquest of Jack Parsons and eventual wife of Scientology founder, L. Ron Hubbard.
The thin veneer of history doled out to a world of children is that Adolf Hitler’s obsession with the Aryan race was simply Germanic nationalism gone to seed and a belief in the genetic superiority of the blonde haired, blue eyed adonis with a buxom hausfrau goddess to match. And a preternatural hatred for Jews as subhuman, disgusting pigs requiring a Final Solution. An act of pure ethnic spite. To call this description thumbnail fiction is too kind a word. Bullshit is more accurate. It doesn’t even come close.
Reality for those willing to confront it is that Adolf Hitler was on a metaphysical journey to reconnect the proud Teutonic peoples of the German nation to an ancient, secret Satanic history of pagan power and higher knowledge that challenges every convention of modern understanding. A conjured reharnessing of lost Luciferian knowledge and technology that would make an omnipotent German empire not just the ramblings of a greasy haired madman fop, but unassailable technological truth. By Hitler’s own confession, it would be the writings of Aleister Crowley and reawakening to the ancient practice of Germanic dark arts would point the way to world Holocaust that Crowley himself had written about and prescribed, long before Adolf Hitler was even born.
“Should we not rather breed humanity for quality by killing off any tainted stock, as we do with other cattle? And exterminating the vermin which infect it, especially Jews and Protestant Christians?”
–Aleister Crowley, 1909
“Should we not rather breed humanity for quality by killing off any tainted stock, as we do with other cattle? And exterminating the vermin which infect it, especially Jews and Protestant Christians?” wrote Crowley in 1909.
Crowley’s words, not Hitler’s, five years before the start of World War I and in the midst of Crowley’s own demonic quest to call forth a hellfire conflagration of destruction into the modern world to unseat conventionalities of faith, family and personal restraint. In fulfillment of the Masonic illuminist prescriptions of Albert Pike, Giovanni Mazzini and Johann Weishaupt, Crowley, himself a 33rd Degree Freemason, earnestly conjured and summoned for the arrival of three world wars, to exterminate generations of men bound by duty, so as to put baser men on the thrones of nations and Satan fully on the throne of the world. A final one world empire ruled over by Lucifer in human flesh. The true arrival of Antichrist on planet earth.
Jews were to be liquidated, not for some genetic inadequacy or malformation, but because the chosen Hebrew nation and the spawning of the two most powerful religions in the world in the Judeo-Christian complex, had swept across the face of Europe in revivalist zeal, stamping out the ancient vestiges of pagan patronage and mystical demoniac power. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob destroying connection to the lineage practice of dark magick that had been splintered, disassembled from the Jewish Kabbalist mystics and lost to the ages, forced in pieces, into the underground stewardship of secret societies, including the Rosicrucians, the Priory of Sion, the Knights Templar and eventually, the Freemason Illuminati. All of whom paid public lip service to Christ as protective deception to their mortal mission to worship and enthrone Lucifer in our time. If you believe that Lutheranism was to be the religion of the Thousand Year Reich, you are a fool.
As with the Secret Societies of every age of humanity, Adolf Hitler employed Crowley’s distilled principles of Babylonian Mystery Religion and Luciferian desecration in the frantic scavenging of the earth in search of the final reunification that had eluded even Crowley himself, a singularity of the lost knowledge and a monopolization of the bequeathed spiritual and technological mysteries and the power they contain. The Ark of the Covenant. The Holy Grail. The Aeon of Horus. The Sekhem Scepter of Osiris.
Operation Paperclip: Bringing Hitler’s Occult Reich to America
Some would suggest Hitler failed miserably in his quest to locate and revive connection to the lost science of a bygone age. Others might tell you that the world around you screams of the fruitage of an interdimensional leap in technology that birthed JPL, NASA, Skunkworks, Northrup Grumman, Lockheed Martin, Bayer, Monsanto, BASF and a too long list of technological miracles both hidden and revealed that have no place on planet earth. Operation Paperclip, by name. It is deathly certitude that the men who know the reality of those secrets both take them to their graves and dig graves for others unwilling to play the ancient game. JFK might share an opinion.
Better books will soon be written about the twisted road of bloody searching conflict between the forces of dark antiquity and those lamplighting preservationist of the Christian flame who sought only to spare the souls of uninitiated mankind from the grasp of the devil. The children of the Enlightenment who founded America for good and not for evil, as a protectorate of free humanity, ever and always at war with those eager to turn the world’s most powerful engine of technology and commerce into the captain ship of a planetary system of enslavement. The battle raging, this every moment.
From the priesthood of ancient Egypt and Babylon to Aleister Crowley’s Victorian era to Marina Abramovic’s Crowley recipe book spirit cooking for John Podesta, BIll and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama in modern day America, the telltale spiritual signatures of the practiced mystical rites and the evil they reverence could not be more clear. The celebration of sodomy of both males and females. The sexual abuse of children. The trafficking of women and children to be used in the rites of desecration and ceremonial blood sacrifices to amplify the empowered demonology of the titans of entertainment, science and politics. The abortuary burnt offering of children to Baal, to Molech and to Goddess Jezebel. Planned Parenthood, by another name.
Sick and Twisted: Marina Abramovic and John Podesta’s Pedophile Art Collection
Human exterminism. Genocidal depopulation. Eugenicist manipulation of the human genome. And the fulfilled envisioning of physically immortal human beings without soul, without consequence, who will never require nor experience an afterlife of connotation or consequence for earthly endeavor.
As was the intended destiny of the Third Reich, so remains the religion of the New World Order. The perversion of humanity, the destruction of innocence and the systemic infliction of visceral, palpable planetary misery for the harvest of spiritual energy are the holy sacraments of the order. The ritual sodomy of young boys and girls just prior to an inflicted violent death in what Crowley termed, the Supreme Rite.
“The Supreme Rite is to bring about a climax in the death of a victim. By this rite, one can attain the summit of the dark magical arts. Even better, is to slay a virgin girl, preferably after she has been rendered a willing victim. After violating her, the body should be cut into nine pieces with the names of appropriate gods written on the skin of each piece. The head should be burnt in honor of either Juno or Minerva. This Supreme Rite should not be performed on ordinary occasions. And only with profound purpose for the acquisition of greatest power, or the defeat of a powerful enemy.”
Aleister Crowley’s Babylonian Mystery Religion realized. And an endless supply of exploited, missing, stolen and vanished women and children to fulfill the Luciferian bloodlusts of the most powerful of the world elite. Full fledged dessert in the backrooms and dungeons after Marina’s Spirit Cooking parlor games are complete. Wish to God that it were not the truth. Repent to God for being ignorant and impotent to stop it for so long.
Lest you still doubt the resurrected Babylonian Rite and the thorough infusion of Luciferian nihilistic principle in modern culture, perhaps look around and realize that young generations in the America of today are unknowing and joyful public practitioners of Thelema, engaged in every bit of the hedonistic, androgynously orgiastic celebrations of wanton fleshly indulgence in a way thoroughly impossible before Crowley and his ilk flung wide the Golden Dawn. Awash as we all are in the flotsam of destroyed families, warring sexes, individuals without ownership or connection or security, given only to empty momentary impulse in worship of animalistic need.
And poised on the precipice as the aspiring demon lords of the present age spin their pretty lies in their quest for Ultimate Power and wage their ancient warfare against the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and all those who claim Him as Yahweh, I Am, That I Am.