The Charlottesville Hoax: How an ‘Occupy’ Organizer’s PSYOP Tied Trump to the KKK
Unite the Right Organizer, Jason Eric Kessler: Would an avowed white supremacist vote twice for Barack Obama and live in an ambiguously undefined “roommate” (boyfriend?) arrangement with an African American muslim? Would a so-called conservative Trump supporter also be the founding force behind the George Soros-funded Occupy Wall Street movement, all while working for one of the most infamously prolific far left strategic wetwork operations in the United States? Charlottesville organizer, Jason Kessler did all of that and more. And the media used his Charlottesville lie to smear Trump Nation without ever mentioning any of what you just read. Imagine that.
You’ve likely never heard of Jason Eric Kessler. Even in scant media attention given to the etymology of the deadly Charlottesville “Unite The Right Rally,” Kessler was hardly mentioned as anything other than a “white supremacist,” a “Neo-Nazi,” an “antisemite,” and a Donald Trump supporter. You know, the usual shallowness of an incompetent press eager to smear Donald Trump’s newly minted administration as the product of “whitelash,” (an actual term coined by one particularly imbecilic MSM eunuch) and clear sign that white America is indeed a racist nation that casts votes purely on basis of skin color.
For those purposes, Jason Kessler’s lengthy and easily discoverable leftist biography didn’t matter. So long as the far-flung feces stuck to the fetid walls of public perception. And it did.
All the fakestream media cared was that Kessler had organized an event where people sympathetic to Donald Trump had arrived by invitation, and had, thanks to a stand down order by Charlottesville Police, been lured into an unobstructed, unmitigated confrontation with leftist counter-protesters and that a Democrat blogger had been run over killed by a man fleeing the milieu.
That’s all that mattered. A perfect opportunity to paint the entirety of the Trump base with the broad brush of antebellum Southern prejudice, KKK-style racial hatred and the trundling troglodyte vision of favorite media tropisms regarding unwashed hillbilly folk and our antiquated political views. Because that’s what they believe about those of us blessed enough to live in rural America. More importantly, it’s what they need the entire nation to believe about Trump and the populist resurgence that is this nation’s last hope of political solutions to avert a communist grave.
And evidence suggests, Jason Eric Kessler ran precisely the political draw play necessary to accomplish exactly that. And the mainstream media toddlers, in order to help the defamatory mission succeed, were more than willing to leave Kessler an unexamined cutout, “an avowed White Supremacist and Trump supporter,” with his terribly concealed leftist political origins, previous employment and voting history, unexamined and blissfully intact for public consumption.
Here’s what you should know about the “man” who singlehandedly organized, promoted, championed and executed one of the most devastating optical smear events in recent political history. And unlike Jussie Smollett’s bleach and noose, Stormy Daniels “affair,” and Nathan Phillips’ war drum, the Charlottesville tragedy and its origins have remained largely concealed from the public. But it was meant to be much, much worse.
A graduate of the University of Virginia with a degree in psychology (hint, hint) public documents show Jason Eric Kessler as a two time voter for Barack Obama with an active history as a political organizer both out front and behind the scenes. Eyewitness accounts say that Kessler also lived for years with a devoutly liberal and Muslim African American man and that despite Kessler’s supposedly rabid views on white superiority, the two flatmates got along swimmingly.
Kessler was a founding member of the Occupy Wall Street movement. A full blown Bolshevist uprising funded by George Soros in the wake of the 2008-2009 subprime housing collapse and banking crisis that saw tens of thousands of unwashed tent city protesters descend on New York and other major cities in a Chez Guevara appreciation miasma of patchouli, body odor, human waste, murder and widespread sexual assault, all wrapped up sympathetically in the frolicking bliss of “Politics-Meets-Woodstock-Meets-‘Berning’ Man” counterculture revolution. Suffice it to say, they spent their soap and deodorant money on high grade pot.
If you still can’t smell the roasting Soros-funded rat yet, there are plenty leftover in Zuccotti Park.
But to anyone experienced in political circles, Kessler’s most damning affiliation is with Secrest Strategic Services, a now defunct but once omnipotent ultra-left political polling and research firm closely linked with organizations like ACORN, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the Anti-Defamation League and squarely dedicated to exactly the sorts of Democrat “deep ops” destruction False Flag projects like inviting leading conservative opinion makers together with KKK and Neo-Nazi groups for a gathering that could only result in lingering pubic relations disaster for Trump friendlies, if not all out race war in America’s cities. And almost did.
In the months before the Charlottesville event, conservative influencers (yours truly included) were invited by Kessler to join the fun. And while some of us were quick enough to sniff the goodies before taking a poisonous bite, the event has still been used to insult, defame, deplatform and smear numerous populist stalwarts, most notably, Proud Boys Founder, Gavin McInnis, despite his public disavowal of the event and his urgings of Proud Boys members to sidestep the landmine.
Beyond that, and as intended from the beginning, Charlottesville has remained a racebaiter’s ultimate talisman of power and symbolic iteration, reached for time and time and time and time again by the Mockingbird American press in their continued efforts to cast Donald Trump’s policies economic nationalism and “America First” national preservation as grotesque outcroppings and indicators of white supremacy and domestic insurrectionism.
And the low information SJW cretin in Snowflake Village are hooked on that shite like crack cocaine. Kessler’s grand deception remains the hole card slapped down by idiot facebook and social media keyboard warriors every time they’re trying to prove that Donald Trump is a racist who hates Mexicans and that all of his supporters wear white hoods.
“Remember Charlottesville….”
Because, Charlottesville worked.
But before we start handing Kessler and his minions Nobel prizes for psy-operational genius, it’s fair to note that the lasting tragedy of Charlottesville is that so many suggestible American morons have been taken in by such a ditheringly simple formula. A classic political feint that amounts to little more than throwing a surprise birthday party, and unbeknownst to the attendees, inviting that one smelly kid who eats his boogers during class and then publishing party photos under the headline, “Booger Eaters Unite to Celebrate Booger Eating.” Corny metaphors aside, that’s exactly what Kessler did. Fittingly, with the KKK playing the role of the booger eater. And if you can’t find enough actual KKK booger eaters to fill the role, just sling around enough Soros cash to hire ANTIFA to play both roles. Oila! Instant race riot.
Judging from pictures and his abysmal interview skills, (and the fact that he was most recently embarrassed online by revelations that he’s moved back in with mommy and daddy at the age of 36) Kessler is more than qualified to life as a double agent in mommy’s basement. (Forgive the HuffPo video)
As in everything else in life, political shit rolls downhill. There would have been no discernible benefit for any member of Trump’s actual political support structure to appear publicly linked to Jason Kessler. There is absolutely zero political legitimacy that will ever again be afforded the idiot white supremacists in our midst. And rightly so. There is only political damage to be accrued to those affiliated with them, caught in public with them, or as Kessler so brilliantly accomplished, being found invited together unbeknownst to a booger eating party aimed at causing a race riot and the media-psychological destruction of the Trump’s monumental and growing political brand. And all of that reveals Charlottesville as a veritable clinic on Saul Alinsky tactics, undertaken by a longtime leftist political operative willing to burn his own public credibility to the ground for a pile of George Soros cash and inflicted damage to the opposition.
Common sense and the long and tired history of incessant hoaxing by deranged leftists in this era of Trump give us all the confirmation necessary to pull the feathers off of one particularly noxious George Soros chicken neck and his eagerly applied dose of deception against an American renaissance of rewarded hard work, bootstrap self reliance and the American dream that doesn’t involve living in mommy and daddy’s basement, while playing political games on the weekends.
(You can stop reading now, Jason. It’s your daddy’s turn to use the computer.)
But, way to ruin the bill of a perfectly good MAGA hat, “bro.”