The Shad Olson Show, December 4, 2019

Unique, enlightening and intelligent conservative talk radio with Emmy-winning investigative reporter, published author and broadcast veteran, Shad Olson.
Hour 1:
Breaking: Clinton Donors, Mueller Probe Witness Indicted in Massive Campaign Donation Scheme.
Among eight people indicted Tuesday in a massive campaign finance money laundering scheme are donors to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Presidential campaign and a witness in the Mueller investigation that sought to incriminate President Donald Trump for “Russian collusion.”
Even as the MSM remains focused on the impeachment farce in Congress, The Department of Justice announces the unsealing of eight indictments yesterday, (November 3, 2019) alleging individuals conspired to create a donation bundling network for campaign donations far in excess of federal election limitations for individual donors, “to make and conceal conduit and excessive campaign contributions,” totaling more than $3.5-million in the 2016 election campaign.
–Central to the scheme was an online payment processing firm that investigators say was used as a conduit for illegally large campaign contributions to groups allied with the Hillary Clinton campaign. The payment processor is alleged to have used a software workaround to break large donations into smaller, legally acceptable amounts in order to avoid detection by Federal Election Commission oversight, in some cases assigning the names of real people to each donation in order to cover the real source of the donation.
–Shad Olson first reported on these methods in a July 2018 article, “Hillary’s Billions and Obama’s Money Laundering Gift Card Loophole,” revealing the pervasive use of generic credit cards and proprietary donation fragmentation software to wash potentially hundreds of millions of dollars of foreign cash and illegally large transactions through online payment portals of major Democrat campaigns, potentially amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars in foreign contributions to Democrat candidates.
–DOJ Feud erupts as rumblings about IG SpyGate report indicate a schism of opinion between Michael Horowitz and Bill Barr over the origins of the Counterintelligence investigation into the Donald Trump campaign. Shad Olson confronts the troubling possibility that Michael Horowitz has been compromised or threatened and has caved on a key portion of the inquest into the Russian collusion hoax and whether Democrat opposition research was used to defraud the FISA court. Bill Barr and John Durham want to drop the hammer on the conspirators, leaving dueling findings between the Inspector General and the Durham-Barry grand juries.
Will Donald Trump’s historic economic resurgence continue or will America be plunged into the designed collapse and chaos of the intentional destruction of the globalist totalitarian vision?
Click red links below to launch segments in separate player page.
Hour 1.
The Shad Olson Show December 4, 2019 Segment 1–Clinton Donors Indicted for Donor Scheme
The Shad Olson Show December 4, 2019 Segment 2–How Democrats Use Foreign Cash to Win
The Shad Olson Show December 4, 2019 Segment 3–The Gift Card Donation Portal Loophole
The Shad Olson Show December 4, 2019 Segment 4–Hillary is Running in 2020
Hour 2.
The Shad Olson Show December 4, 2019 Segment 5–Joe Biden is Mentally GONE
The Shad Olson Show December 4, 2019 Segment 6–Impeachment is About Female Voters
The Shad Olson Show December 4, 2019 Segment 7–Impeachment Demographic Breakdown
The Shad Olson Show December 4, 2019 Segment 8–IG Report Rumblings are BAD