The Shad Olson Show, August 14, 2020

Unique, enlightening and intelligent conservative talk radio with Emmy-winning investigative reporter, published author and broadcast veteran, Shad Olson.
Meticulously Cultivated and Ruthlessly Executed Over Decades, The Communist Takeover of America is Nearly Complete. Regardless of Outcome, the 2020 Election is Being Rigged to Remove President Donald Trump From Office.
–Richard Nixon and Joseph McCarthy are two of the most slandered figures in American history. Both are American heroes who were setup and destroyed by the American intelligence community for their effectiveness in frustrating and purging Communist infiltrators from the Federal government. Shad Olson explains the real story behind Watergate, Richard Nixon’s exposing and destruction of Alger Hiss in the 1950’s and how Watergate was planned and designed as a revenge entrapment operation against Nixon by Communist elements inside the American government. Sound familiar?
AND….how Nixon’s prosecution of Alger Hiss as a Soviet spy and the threat of a dragnet investigation into Communist sympathizers in America caused a Communist diaspora that sent Bolshevist actors like the Weather Underground scurrying for cover, including card carrying Communist, Frank Marshall Davis, who fled from Chicago to Hawaii where he would later become the ideological Godfather to Barry Soetero….aka, Barack Hussein Obama, America’s very first Communist President.
–Shad Olson and Sam Kephart do a deep dive exploration of the connections between communist violent revolutionaries of the 1950’s and 60’s in America and the BLM and ANTIFA movements that are the d’facto fundraising and paramilitary wings of the Democrat National Committee.
–The template is set. The operation is in play. Regardless of the outcome of the November election, (which Trump is very likely to lose) the Left’s fallback position is a forcible removal of Donald Trump from office with United Nations fiat in keeping with the 2011-2015 Arab Spring regime change model in the Middle East.
–Shad Olson wrote as early as February 2017 that the favored destination of the Communist delegitimization operation against Donald Trump was never impeachment, but forcible removal from office. With the United Nations’ threatening “humanitarian intervention” against Federal agents protecting Federal property and assets from the ANTIFA mob, it’s clear that Donald Trump will be in ever greater peril in the final 80 days before the 2020 election.
–All roads lead to Civil War 2.0 in the United States, regardless of who wins the 2020 election.
Will Donald Trump’s historic economic resurgence continue or will America be plunged into the designed collapse and chaos of the intentional destruction of the globalist totalitarian vision?
Click red links below to play audio segments in separate player page.
Hour 1.
The Shad Olson Show August 14, 2020 Segment 1–Kamala Harris: America’s Madame Mao
The Shad Olson Show August 14, 2020 Segment 2–Weather Underground to BLM-ANtiFA
The Shad Olson Show August 14, 2020 Segment 3–Sam Kephart on Communist Infiltration of America
The Shad Olson Show August 14, 2020 Segment 4–Sam Kephart on the Coming Death Vaccine
Hour 2.
The Shad Olson Show August 14, 2020 Segment 5–Sally Yates is Clinically Insane
The Shad Olson Show August 14, 2020 Segment 6–2020 is the Year of Luciferian Control
The Shad Olson Show August 14, 2020 Segment 7–Sam Kephart on A Communist USA
The Shad Olson Show August 14, 2020 Segment 8–Dollar Devaluation Reserve Replacment Looms