The Shad Olson Show, October 15, 2020
Unique, enlightening and intelligent conservative talk radio with Emmy-winning investigative reporter, published author and broadcast veteran, Shad Olson.
Leftist Big Tech Censors the Sh@# Out of BOMBSHELL Reports Confirming What We’ve Long Known About Burisma, Biden Corruption and Open Bribery to Quash a Corruption Investigation Tip of the Iceberg of the Biden Crime Family.
–From Joe Biden’s cokehead son in Ukraine, Hillary’s national security emails, public lands in the Nevada desert, to Yosemite National Park, ANWAR and even your local municipal sewage plant, everything once preserved in the public trust now carries a secret price tag and sweetheart deal for the enrichment of the untouchables, no matter the cost to you, the nation, or to the average citizen wallowing in the ignorance of uninformed consent.
And everything listed above inextricably connected in one giant puss-filled boil of graft, greed, corruption and world energy control, plotted to turn billionaires into multi-trillionaires and put the political superclass of archcriminals and Elysium elites forever out of reach either of justice or accountability. Forever.
But something and someone interrupted their heist. Boy, howdy.
Biden-Burisma, Harry Reid-ENN Energy Partners, Obama-Solyndra and a burgeoning locust swarm of Al Gore-launched carbon credit brokerage houses like BGC and Evolution Markets were poised like lions on the savannah to make the killing of all time, using the monstrous tyranny of criminalized energy consumption and carbon footprint punishment as an extortionary gun to the ribs in a mugging of the world energy network. And food production. And everything else. Everything made of carbon, that is. Including you.
And America’s politico crime cabal was set to convert access to our national sovereign lands into a catalog of carbon pollution offset “land trusts” brokered only by the highly connected royalty of a new class of “Eco-Barons” to create the richest fortunes the world has ever seen. The countdown had already begun.
Under the new climate government of the world, chief carbon corporate offenders like Exxon-Mobile, General Motors, Arch Coal, less familiar names like Shandong-Carter Industries and yes, Burisma Natural Gas of Ukraine, and even sovereign offending polluter nations like China and India would be issued edict ultimatum: Access a controlled global market of carbon offset options to atone for criminal levels of carbon atmospheric emissions, cease to exist, or sell your entire company and cede national sovereignty down to the hinges to the same people selling you the scam. Carbon credit bankruptcy, liquidation and hostile takeover at the flip of a policy switch. Enact the laws. Invent the solutions. Buy up the carnage. Own and enslave the world. Game over.
–His private sins aside, and they are grotesque and staggering, if America will vote to elect a guy who visibly sniffs and gropes every girl within ten feet and brags on tape about bribing foreign nations to protect and enrich his son, what divides this country is not ideology. It’s sanity. And the only people more provably insane, deliberately misinformed and morally compromised than Joe Biden are his voters. And if they now be the majority, America is already long gone.
Click red links below to launch segments in separate player page.
Hour 1.
The Shad Olson Show October 15, 2020 Segment 1–Burisma, Solyndra, ENN and Agenda 21
The Shad Olson Show October 15, 2020 Segment 2–Facebook Twitter Protect Gropin’ Joe
The Shad Olson Show October 15, 2020 Segment 3–The Carbon Credit Economy and the Deep State
The Shad Olson Show October 15, 2020 Segment 4–Is This the End of America?
Hour 2.
The Shad Olson Show October 15, 2020 Segment 5–No Political Answers to Spiritual Problems
The Shad Olson Show October 15, 2020 Segment 6–Left’s Attack on Faith Continues
The Shad Olson Show October 15, 2020 Segment 7–AOC Advances the Myth of ‘Commie Jesus’
The Shad Olson Show October 15, 2020 Segment 8–An American Prayer, 20 Days From Judgment