The Shad Olson Show, January 22, 2021

Unique, enlightening and intelligent conservative talk radio with Emmy-winning investigative reporter, published author and broadcast veteran, Shad Olson.
The ‘Red Pill’ Myth: With Trump’s Exit, MAGA Nation Gravitates to NeverTrumpers and NeoCons, Evidencing Absolute Inability to Sort Enemies From Friends or to Parse Reality of the Coming Doom
–With two-time Communist voting former CIA Director John Brennan promising criminalization of Donald Trump and the Trump movement, the coming Biden war on patriots, “religious extremists,” populists and libertarians as domestic terrorists demands firm grasp on reality. Bad news: a large portion of MAGA nation is out to lunch with illiterate conspiracy theories and psychological warfare operations that have neutralized our ability for battle. Shad Olson and Sam Kephart deliver bitter medicine about the present disarray of the MAGA movement and what it predicts about future political effectiveness.
–REALITY CHECK 1: With every avenue of justice corrupted and compromised, moral victories are all that remain for patriots and Trump loyalists. Democrats know it’s against the rules to impeach a departed President. They know it was unconstitutional to mail out tens of millions of unaccounted for ballots in every zipcode. They know it was bad form to pull a false flag on patriots and blame shift at a Capitol riot they started. They know it was illegal to use campaign oppo research as evidence at the FISA court. They know it’s illegal to run multiple stacks of ballots through a tabulator over and over again.
Demo-Communists are going to lie, cheat, steal, scheme, distort and lie some more. And you know what else they’re going to do? They’re going to win. What are we going to do about that?
–Biden cancels the Keystone XL. The pending Biden economic agenda will bring about a deliberate “Greatest Depression” as the onramp to the Great Reset. $15 minimum wage, return to Paris Climate Treaty, Modifications to Inherited Real Estate ‘Stepped Up’ Valuation, Rollback of Trump tax cuts would all be inadvisable even in a robust economy. Set against the COVID-19 shutdowns, it amounts to economic suicide for the United States and summary execution for the American Middle Class.
–REALITY CHECK 2: Deep State stole 2020 election to enact policies ensuring they never have to “steal” another. Automatic citizenship for 20-million illegals, an opening of the southern border, and a possible abolition of the Electoral College will mean permanent single party Communist rule in America.
–REALITY CHECK 3: Joe Biden and the cabal DO NOT NEED additional legislation in order to wage their newly-minted war on domestic insurrectionists, patriots and Trump supporters.
S.3081, a 2009 Senate bill authored by John McCain and co-sponsored by Lindsey Graham and John Thune, which after being defeated in individual consideration, was lumped into Barack Obama’s 2011-2012 NDAA Defense Authorization omnibus.
The bill provides for indefinite detainment without charge or trial and transport to Guantanamo Bay prison for anyone declared “an enemy belligerent” or “a threat to the United States.” It also allows enhanced interrogation techniques without specific warrant or additional proviso against “enemy combatants.”
The vaguery of language was fought vehemently by the ACLU that had the foresight to understand how easily such a law could be turned from Islamic terrorists to American citizens who disagree with their government. And now it has.
And irony of ironies, after believing for four straight years that the cabalists and all their evil show would be sent to Gitmo for a comeuppance, it is the patriot movement in America that is now targeted for loss of Habeas writ and the fate of insurrectionists and traitors via S.3081.
And Shad Olson covered all of that and gave ample warning in 2009. And no one listened….because Republicans believed it was to “keep them safe” from “terrorists.”
–MORE: Rick Wilson of the Lincoln Project: Donald Trump’s life is about to become a burning hell, promising that state and federal prosecutors are about to begin a lifelong legal dissection of Trump for tax crimes, sedition, or whatever criminal charge can be drummed up to destroy Trump and ruin his legacy.
Hour 1.
The Shad Olson Show January 22, 2021 Segment 1–Biden Declares War on 100-million Trump Voters
The Shad Olson Show January 22, 2021 Segment 2–Persecution Gives Way to Prosecution For Trump
The Shad Olson Show January 22, 2021 Segment 3–Deep State Puts a Bullet in the MAGA Movement
The Shad Olson Show January 22, 2021 Segment 4–Biden Promises Victorious War Against Patriots
Hour 2.
The Shad Olson Show January 22, 2021 Segment 5–DS Prepares Purge of ‘Domestic Terrorists’ ie Trumpers
The Shad Olson Show January 22, 2021 Segment 6–Brennan Gleeful About Coming Purge
The Shad Olson Show January 22, 2021, Segment 7–Yellen Declares War on Cryptocurrencies
The Shad Olson Show January 22, 2021 Segment 8–The Final Battle for America