SOURCE: Patriot ‘Kill List’ Identifies High Level Cabal Targets in Civil Conflict

“These people will be dealt with legally, as long as things continue the way they are and they don’t try to kick off some kind of civil unrest to cover their crimes. They are not under any kind of physical threat, unless they try to use other means and manipulations to remove this President (Trump) or take other actions to regain control of the government.”
An unnamed source and former U.S. special forces operative says it’s standard procedure. In the event of civil conflict or an attempted criminal or military coup against Donald Trump, ‘white hat,’ active and retired members of elite military and intelligence communities have identified and assigned standing kill orders for a long list of American globalist ‘players’ deemed to have violated their oaths to uphold the Constitution of the United States. And it’s a long list.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, the source, who has worked both in uniform and as a civilian contractor for high risk paramilitary assignments around the world says a network of active and current military and intelligence personnel have assembled a rough outline of which globalist cabal members should be ‘dealt with,’ and in what order. The source says target identification is based both on broadly known, common knowledge information and in some cases, on specific intelligence regarding actions and misdeeds known only to insiders in the intel and special ops communities. Crimes like treason, disclosure of classified information, corruption, selling of military secrets and disclosure of other vital infrastructure and domestic security data top the list of offenses by a broad range of cabalist personnel, from the highest ranks of U.S. intelligence agencies to rank and file of all four military branches.
“These people have been identified and located and in some cases are under continual locational surveillance,” the source said.
“If and when anything were to go down regarding the triggering of a civil conflict or civil war, including an attempted removal of President Trump, or even some kind of legal procedure to take him out of office, there is a very good chance that this information will become very useful and will be used quickly in neutralizing and bringing justice to bad actors in our government and military,” the source said.
“These people will be dealt with legally, as long as things continue the way they are and they don’t try to kick off some kind of civil unrest to cover their crimes. They are not under any kind of physical threat, unless they try to use other means and manipulations to remove this President (Trump) or take other actions to regain control of the government,” the source said.
Regarding the likely trigger points of a civil conflict, the source laughed off ANTIFA and anti-fascist groups as a non-factor and as little more than a sidebar issue to a real conflict, likely between patriot and active military forces and United Nations troops and portions of the U.S. military that might be cabal loyalists willing to destroy their oath to Constitution and fight against American citizens.
“Antifa and those guys will kill a lot of innocent people, but they have no chance in an actual war,” the source said, emphasizing the large numbers of military veterans, former special forces operatives and CIA and NSA retirees who are counted in the civilian ranks of patriots and Trump supporters and Constitutionalists ready to defend America.
“Antifa has no idea what they’re wading into. It’s kind of like a grade school flag football team wanting to go ‘shirts and skins,’ with current and former college and NFL players and then wondering what hit them,” the source said. “They will be facing professionals and very skilled combatants at every level of operation, from marksmanship to hand to hand to information utilization and target acquisition,” the source said.
“It would be pretty wise for them to shut up and take off their masks and go home.”
After serving for more than 20-years as a member of an instantly recognizable special forces unit and a civilian military contractor providing security for high value targets, including oil company executives and investment capital brokerage managers in dangerous environments globally, the source has now retired from his line of work. He says he remains in contact both with fellow service members and former members of the CIA and other agencies and that close attention is being paid to the current political climate and the ongoing ‘Russian Collusion’ scandal that leftists are using in attempt to force Donald Trump from office. If that happens, the source says it will serve as a cascade event that will trigger the removal, disappearance and neutralization of dozens, if not hundreds of the highest profile black cloak operatives in U.S. government and even media circles.
“People have to realize that this goes both ways. For years, we’ve known that all of us patriots are being watched and surveilled and everything from our food preferences to our mating habits have been watched and cataloged by the intelligence community,” the source said. “But it goes both ways. Every single person who’s been visibly connected with the globalist machine and the effort to basically ally with China and end America has been and is being watched, too, to one degree or another. These are conversations that are real and ongoing and if the one worlders believe they don’t exist and breathe everyday because of the mercy of some very skilled people who know exactly where they are and what they’ve been up to, then they’re stupid. I believe they do know this and I think that’s why they have begun acting desperate and scared in recent weeks and months,” the source said.
“We’re not going to just sit back and take their betrayal of this nation lying down.”
PHOTO GALLERY: ANTIFA, Violent Left Continue Their Push for Civil Conflict in America