Midterm False Flag: Left Plays Victim Card With Pipe Bomb Ploy, Bigger Moves Ahead

Five pipe bomb packages and counting. To Democrat targets, operatives and top liberal donors. As Gomer Pyle might have put it, “Surprise, surprise, surprise.”
Could it be any more obvious?
This week’s flurry of special delivery “explosives” to George Soros, Barack Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, CNN and the office of Debbie Wasserman-Schultz arrive just as all signs predict a roiling red tsunami is about to crush Democrat hopes of deposing Donald Trump through discrete political means. When power is the only aim, the death of a nation through anarchy and fomented civil insurrection are but a means to an end. Let the false flags commence. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz? Really? And miss out on any of their trials for treason? Please.
They’d already laid the groundwork. With perpetual demonization of Trump and his followers and a concerted push to end free speech, silence and censor prominent conservative voices on social media and elsewhere and limit the reach of voices consistently revealing the man behind the curtain of the mainstream media. With suggestions that “Trump’s hate” would lead to civil violence and civil war. With endless maniacal shrieking mobs of raving loons triggered beyond belief by constant indoctrination about Trump’s evils by the mainstream media horde. Good ground fastidiously prepared for the demon seed of staged events blamed on a new Timothy McVeigh patsy, yet to be named.
And now it comes.
After two years of leftist violence, massacre assassination attempts on Republican Congressional leaders, assaults on conservative U.S. Senators, calls for “killing all fascists,” by ANTIFA and other leftist groups and ricin-laced letters addressed to Defense Secretary James Mattis, President Donald Trump and Vice-President Mike Pence, Democrats predictably latch onto a narrative of “right wing violence,” despite the fact that every piece of friable evidence indicates Trump’s populist resurgence has attained critical mass, wildfire proportions, driven by economic performance and an accelerated “Red Pill,” awakening of the public at large.
On Monday, Donald Trump played to an audience of 105,000 people in Houston, Texas that felt more like a tent revival service combined with a rock concert for supporters who camped two and three nights to get the best seats. Also Monday, former President Barack Obama barely mustered 500 at a “rally” in Nevada for that state’s pivotal U.S. Senate race.
Early voting data from “purple” Arizona, Republican turnout has outpaced Democrats 7 to 1, eclipsing 2016 GOP early voting tallies by nine times previous numbers.
Democrat U.S. Senate candidates, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Claire McCaskill of Missouri, Bill Nelson in Florida and Beto O’Rourke of Texas now appear destined for defeat, the latter despite $40-million and counting in George Soros-DNC support against incumbent Republican Senator Ted Cruz. A 56-44 GOP Senate appears well within reach. 59-41 if everything falls our way.
Democrat desperation is thick. The games are afoot. They are already admitting they’ve lost. Any and all motive for violence, insurrection, civil destruction and societal chaos resides on the left side of the aisle.
Expect the Deep State left’s measures to be extraordinary, treasonous and unprecedented in scale in their last ditch efforts to stall an unstoppable President Donald Trump and his irrepressible push to return America to prosperity. The globalists understand that they are running on borrowed time, against a President and his loyalists who are now wide awake against four decades of designed sabotage of the American Dream. The left will stop at nothing in their last gasp grasp for the totalitarian reins that are now their only salvation from permanent estrangement, if not incarceration.
There is more incentive at this moment for a Deep State false flag than at any time since they killed John Fitzgerald Kennedy, if not more. Everything hangs in the balance. Nothing will be as it seems. Unless you recognize the script, the tactics and the players on the stage.
A rereading of Dallas, 1963 and Oklahoma City, 1995 is a good place to start.