Dying for PetroDollars: The Real Reason for Saudi Arabia’s Ordered Soleimani Hit

For 60 years, American foreign policy in the Middle East can be distilled to the alternating practice of two methodologies for the same aim of regional dominance, either by proxy, or by direct rule: The establishment of puppet dictatorships in patron states willing to sell their national sovereignty and resources to the American cause, and secondly, the creation, arming and use of captive terrorist organizations to keep the region in a state of constant destabilization and upheaval, like the repeated tearing of a scab, lest the wound heal and strengthen in ways beyond American and Saudi Arabian control.
The ugly, inexorable truth is that the fragility of the American fiat currency known as the petrodollar simply precludes any allowance for the rise of peaceful, prosperous and self-determinant Middle Eastern societies that inevitably seek freedom from the monetary dictates of the world bankers and a release from the devaluing pressures of an American stranglehold on their natural resources.
And so the scab is peeled and the wound kept fresh. Nations are destabilized and destroyed. Regimes toppled. Populations terrorized and impoverished. Again and again. And again.
Sold once more under the guise of “danger,” and “threat,” and impending jeopardy to American assets, not at home mind you, but in the intentional muck of Middle Eastern quagmire, the months-in-the-making assassination of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani is the latest pull at the agonized flesh of Middle Eastern affairs, and perhaps the most cynically delivered and undertaken message of a truth that provably evades the overwhelming majority of the American nation that did the killing: That without the constant exacerbation of hostilities to justify an eternal U.S. military presence in the Middle East, America’s unprecedented and protracted era of unbridled prosperity comes crashing to the ground. In days. Possibly hours.
The Petrodollar must live. Or America will die.
And on that basis, only Saudi Arabia and the Kingdom’s sovereign wealth oathkeepers to the faltering American currency can be allowed to dominate, flourish and thrive. Saudi Arabia in turn rides herd on the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar and Kuwait to maintain the tender balance that keeps the United States the wealthiest nation in the world. No matter the costs, human, material or monetary to the rest of the grand chessboard of the Middle East.
At the very moment of his death, Soleimani was in Baghdad Iraq, hoping to place finishing touch to a deescalation of hostilities between Iran and Saudi Arabia and the final hammering of an Iranian-Iraqi accord that would give added counterbalance to nearly a decade of Al Qaeda/ISIS/Al Nusra destabilization games for the purposes of American-funded and Saudi-fomented regime change uprisings in nations like Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen and Libya and failed attempts in Syria and of course, in his own Iran.
While the sleepy American population was being predictably sold on the notion of “destroying ISIS,” (that we created) and “eliminating Al Qaeda,” (that we created) they were equally predictably oblivious to Qassem Soleimani’s own impressive role in that undertaking, where his strategic heft and command and control prowess carved deeply into ISIS operations in the border regions of both Iraq and Syria, provably saving the lives of hundreds of thousands of Syrian Christians who fled for safety under the cover of Iranian airstrikes and ground force, seek-and-destroy of the ISIS column.
In the haze of that receding conflict, it became clear that Soleimani was proving equally effective at convincing neighboring forces, fighters and nations to put aside their tribal and sectarian differences for a square shouldered resistance against the meddling of the CIA-Saudi guerilla irritants and the divide and conquer tactics of the western oil money minders. A modern historic alliance between Iran and Iraq (combined with ongoing multilateral negotiations with China for infrastructure reinvestments in exchange for oil) would be a paradigm upsetting of the balance of power among OPEC nations and an existential threat both to the fragile petrodollar and to Saudi Arabia’s robust but waning production dominance in the region. Iraqi oil must remain under America control. Soleimani had to go.
Blighted and blinded as they are by decades of mass media indoctrination about the true nature of things in the Middle East, (“They hate us because of our freedom,”) American patriots and supporters of a previously anti-war President Donald Trump lapped up the news of Soleimani’s death like mother’s milk, celebrating the killshot as evidence that Trump is dedicated to keeping Americans ‘safe’ from jihadi violence.
Safe, yes. From violence, no. Starvation, maybe. A truthful contextual understanding that surpasses the Team America World Police surface narratives of killing bad guys for fun and profit shows that Soleimani died for the same sins that doomed Saddam Hussein in Iraq and Muammar Qaddafi in Libya, two sponsored, installed, patronized, armed and groomed members of the extended American empire. Two men who committed the unpardonable sin of suggesting sales of their national oil resources for insoluble gold backed currencies and an end to OPEC compliance with the U.S. dollar reserve.
Saddam’s first brush with American death by delivery came in 1990 after his attempted annexation of neighboring Kuwait, an open effort to remove a Saudi-U.S. Dollar compliant policy vote from the OPEC boardroom in Saddam’s grand vision of selling oil for any currency of his choosing and with special rates for nations capable of trading solid for solid. Oil for gold. He was eventually killed because of his plan to sell Iraqi oil only for gold-backed Euros or equivalent solid values.
In the weeks before ISIS and Al Qaeda militants dragged his lifeless body through the streets, Qaddafi took to Libyan national television extolling the coming era of prosperity bequeathed by establishing a gold-backed currency for oil transactions. “Your young men will find jobs and wives. They will be able to buy homes,” Qaddafi said.
While the mainstream media mocked Qaddafi’s words as those of a desperate despot attempting to bribe his people to loyalty against the fabricated revolution at his doorstep, no one with an understanding of fractional reserve banking was laughing. For all his extravagances and ironclad will to power, Qaddafi was spelling out the bedrock truth that is behind every single facet of Middle Eastern events. The shrinking buying power of the American dollar has reduced living standards not just for Americans, but for those oil rich nations forced to sell the petroleum essential of modern civilization for pieces of paper that grow more worthless by the year.
“Hussein. Qaddafi. Soleimani. Bad men, terrorists, torturers, all. But so much more importantly than that, attempted arsonists of America’s teetering fiat cash house of cards.
And for that they died.”
Hussein. Qaddafi. Soleimani. Bad men, terrorists, torturers, all. But so much more importantly than that, attempted arsonists of America’s teetering fiat cash house of cards.
And for that they died.
And so the scab is peeled again, this time with the growing realization that sunset is approaching on America’s ability to any longer undertake the cynically enslaved courses of the petrodollar’s constant refrain. Destabilization. Destruction. Disruption of any alliance or counterbalance to Saudi Arabian conservatorship of the Bretton Woods Accords. The majority vote must hold, lest all else be lost.
But even as the costs of rigging the game rise ever higher, returns are diminishing ever faster. The United States spends $100-billion dollars a year (and rising) to protect interests in Middle Eastern oil and has spent nearly $11-trillion since 2001 in the oil wars.
During that same time, the percentage of the global crude oil supply priced and sold in dollars falls lower by the year, even as niche buys and side deals between China and the MIddle East find the Yuan-RMB at near parallax with American import purchases.
Any illusions of a broader awakening to the reality of our national predicament died a death as swift as Soleimani’s this week, with the intractable realization that neoconservatism and the jingoist stupidity that covers true foundations of motive are alive and well in the movement of a President who ironically was elected promising an end to foreign entanglements, pointless misadventures in the Middle East and endless strain of deployment and death on American military families and on the fabric of a nation exhausted of war.
What died as well is any illusion about this nation’s ability to do anything but stay the course of destabilization by design in Middle Eastern affairs, to keep as much oil as possible denoted in the U.S. dollar and to feed the endlessly ravenous addiction to flexible fractional currency games that only the bankers themselves can afford to play.
An eternal and deadly credit line to live far beyond our means, even if it means millions of others will die. And have.
A revolving money game that even the most promising, independent, uncontrolled, anti-establishment, populist President in American history cannot escape.
This week, the game played him. Brutal truth.
The very least that Donald Trump, Mike Pompeo, John Bolton or maybe the Chariman of Goldman-Sachs could do is take a page from Muamar Qaddafi, book a slot on national television and for once, at long last, tell the American people the brutal truth about the Bretton Woods Accords, Project For a New American Century, LS2, 9/11, the killing of Jamal Khashoggi (and our lack of retaliation for his death), the currency wars and the evaporating value of American cash. And the reason our military will never, ever, ever truly be “coming home.”
They are home. At the world headquarters of petroleum power. Surrounded by hostile nations increasingly resentful at having the terms of the global oil trade dictated to them by an American nation that cannot spend within its means and instead uses a printing press and the world’s most lethal military to make up the difference and keep customers in line.
Our brave fighting men and women are after all, the paramilitary wing of the International Monetary Fund policy enforcement squad.
Because the Petrodollar must live. Or America will die.
And anyone who interferes with that, be damned. And anyone venturing beyond the patent narrative, “another bad ban is dead,” right alongside.