The Shad Olson Show, October 22, 2020

Unique, enlightening and intelligent conservative talk radio with Emmy-winning investigative reporter, published author and broadcast veteran, Shad Olson.
Waterloo is Here. Final Trump-Biden 2020 Debate is LAST CHANCE to Expose Joe Biden’s Corrupt Career Crime Family Legacy to a National Audience.
–Presidential Debate Commission has rigged every exit. Tilted every advantage. President Trump’s mic will be muted following each answer to prevent interruptions by him and debate organizers have eliminated foreign policy topicality from the event to prevent Trump from having contextual basis for bringing up the Hunter Biden hard drives. Trump must seize the initiative and take the truth directly to the American people AND WIN A COMPLETELY RIGGED DEBATE to destroy the Biden/Deep State criminal cabal.
–Hunter Biden confesses in email to Joe masturbating in front of a 14-year old girl and chasing his young niece naked through the yard at night. But says, “I was on crack at the time, so that’s ok, right?” Stunning level of corruption, depravity and criminality prompts Rudy Giuliani to file formal complaint with Delaware State Police, saying that anyone who had seen the material on Hunter Biden’s laptop and NOT gone to police would be guilty of covering up a crime.
–Media blackout continues even as efforts to tie Trump to China (New York Times) and to discredit Giuliani continue. New Sacha Baron Cohen movie features disturbing scene featuring Giuliani in hotel room with a “Russian woman” where Rudy apparently has his hands in his trousers. Ouch.
–Are the “Biden Chronicles” enough, or too little, too late to get Trump over the top in the most crooked election in national history?
–“Are they authentic?” and other stupid questions about Biden laptops. If the material reported by the New York Post and Giuliani were not and had not been vetted as 100% true, real and authentic, the Biden family would be able to sue every entity responsible for spreading the information for more money than they were paid by the Chinese.
–Biden laptops confirmed authentic by Biden legal team. Hunter Biden also called the computer repair shop after story broke to try to retrieve his property. Like an idiot. Latest details from Rudy Giuliani are that Hunter Biden is seen on 25,000 photos raping, sodomizing, beating, torturing and abusing Chinese girls that appear to be 10 years of age or younger. Meantime, Soviet style information control isn’t coming. It’s already here. With Twitter and Facebook jamming the comlink to prevent widest dissemination of the Biden corruption information that informed patriots have known about four years and more.
Click red links below to launch segments in separate player page.
Hour 1.
The Shad Olson Show October 22, 2020 Segment 1–Trump Must Win Rigged Debate, Expose Joe
The Shad Olson Show October 22, 2020 Segment 2–Sacha Baron Cohen is an Authoritarian Nazi
The Shad Olson Show October 22, 2020 Segment 3–Sacha Baron Cohen’s 2019 Speech to ADL
The Shad Olson Show October 22, 2020 Segment 4–More Ghislaine Maxwell Docs Unsealed
Hour 2.
The Shad Olson Show October 22, 2020 Segment 5–Media Blackout on Biden KOMPROMAT is Criminal
The Shad Olson Show October 22, 2020 Segment 6–Biden Crime Family Enrichment is OBVIOUS
The Shad Olson Show October 22, 2020 Segment 7–China COVID Bioweapon Looms Large in Biden Reveal
The Shad Olson Show October 22, 2020 Segment 8–Big Tech and MSM Both Need Dismantling