YOURNEWSWIRE: The Fake News Site Discrediting Conservatives

YOURNEWSWIRE founders, Sean adl Tabatabai and Sinclair Treadway kiss on their wedding day in London. The gay, married, Bernie Sanders supporters and their BBC mom, have a greenlight from the facebook algorithm to spread fabricated news stories and get conservative news banned from the web. It’s all part of the plan. And it’s working perfectly.
The headlines are as juicy as their lover’s kiss.
You want so badly for them to be true. And they know it.
You hit the like and share button or cut and paste to your page and oila: Two gay, married Bernie Sanders backers have struck another blow in their stated objective of discrediting independent media outlets and getting conservative sources banned from the web altogether. And you’re their latest dupe.
Sad to say, but on an average day, it’s easy to see the effectiveness of this Los Angeles duo, one of whom served as a web tech operative for George Soros Media Matters. The other, the son of a longtime BBC News producer and a purported propagandist for MI6. And they are running a brilliantly prolific gameplan to destroy the conservative media outlets that scuttled Hillary and helped elect Trump in 2016. Facebook is awash these days in likes and shares from the one and only independent news source that miraculously seems to be completely immune to the throttling and bottlenecking of the new facebook algorithm.
Alt Left: YOURNEWSWIRE founders, Sean and Sinclair smooching to their sabotage of independent media.
And the headlines are like crack cocaine to conservatives:
Queen Elizabeth commanding that World War III must begin in 2017.
Outright fabrications, one and all, that by the estimates of this humble correspondent have amounted to nearly 100 completely false, utterly fictional news stories in the past two years.
For kicks and giggles, let’s break down just one of the three above examples, that were chosen at random from dozens of similarly ridiculous headlines.
Published at the height of of the fury of the 2017 NFL kneeling hype, the story of a middle school principal taking the anthem protest to new depths of depravity certainly tripped the trigger, racking up 17,000 shares in a matter of days.
When no corroborating source could be readily located, I did a simple image search using the ‘mugshot’ of the alleged “poopetrator” in the YOURNEWSWIRE account. The picture used by YOURNEWSWIRE is real. (Shown left) But a simple google image search reveals the original source and story and criminal photo in a matter of seconds as the mugshot of Michael Lacey,
(shown below right) cofounder of website, arrested on charges of human trafficking for allowing advertising for prostitution on the now defunct webpage. Heinous crimes indeed, but completely unrelated to anything involving a supposed school principal showing disrespect for the American flag by dropping a deuce during the pledge of allegiance. Ridiculous.
And all of that, at a time when digital giants like Google and Facebook are trying their level best to build a case for permanently banning independent news outlets from their search engines and platforms and throttling legitimate attempts at honest journalism with shadow banning and outright suspension, ala Alex Jones and Infowars. Lest you believe that a coincidence, perhaps feast on the words of YOURNEWSWIRE co-founder, Sean Adl-Tabatabai.
“Our plan is simple. We will either get sites like Breitbart, INFOWars, Drudge Report, Rense and the like eliminated from the major search engines, or we will so dilute and discredit their reach as to make them irrelevant in future elections. Obviously, we’d rather make them just go away, but discrediting them will also be effective.” –Sean Adl-Tabatabai, YOURNEWSWIRE.COM founder
Free speech is free speech. Until the enemies of free speech wage a deliberate campaign to build a case against free speech, through disinformation. That’s the danger. Wanting something to be true doesn’t make it true. And the FCC would dearly love to shut down the alternative media. YOURNEWSWIRE is helping them build the case to do just that. The emerging goal of this multipronged attack is to make it difficult for conservatives and libertarians to tell truth from fiction and then declare the mainstream media as the only responsible arbiters of ‘journalism.’ This is the ‘Ministry of Truth’ under construction before our very eyes.
Here’s the why and who. Cal-Berkley Law Professor and former Federal Election Commission Director, Ann Ravel, (pictured left) is on record asking the FCC and United Nations to install regulations BANNING conservative, libertarian and patriot news sites, saying that those sites had an ‘undue influence,’ on the 2016 Presidential Election. Translation: Since even Hillary Clinton’s $2.8-Billion campaign and PAC onslaught wasn’t enough to purchase and steal the election from Donald Trump, clearly more must be done to censor and regulate sources of information that cut through the PRAVDA noise of the Mainstream Media and reveal the truth about establishment, globalist candidates.
The pushback to stop the spread of independent news sources and real journalism is not coming, it is HERE.
Do not give them greater argument to perpetuate their lies.
Best advice to avoid contributing to the coming sanitization of the internet and the death of conservative, independent media, don’t share YOURNEWSWIRE. If you find a corroborating reliable source for a story they disseminate, share that one instead.
We must be wary. Wise as serpents.
Don’t be a dope.