Trump’s Black, Hispanic Poll Numbers Spell 2020 Landslide

Are we watching the death of the minority stranglehold by the modern Democrat Party? All signs say, ‘Yes.’ And that has Democrat intelligentsia in full panic mode for both 2018 and 2020.
First, the mainstream media told the world that Donald Trump said all Mexicans are rapists. Then, they told you that he and his family hated African Americans and denied them fair access to housing. Then the legacy media told you that Trump called Mexicans, ‘animals,’ when he was referring to MS-13. Most recently, they spent weeks convincing you that Trump was personally snatching babies from the arms of border crossing mothers and locking them in cages. All of it equally fallacious, inaccurate and intentionally divisive.
And none of it is working. In fact, it’s backfiring, big time.
In the very week when every mainstream media headline was an obvious mass shaming attempt about U.S. border enforcement and the policy of separating children from adults who were just as often pedophile sex traffickers as parents and families trying to cross the Rio Grande, Donald Trump’s popularity among hispanic and latino voters rose 7%. That’s right, seven points, among the very same demographic group that the establishment mainstream of both major parties have been attempting to bribe and curry loyalty from for decades through Sanctuary Cities, easing of immigration standards and promises of amnesty, open borders and all the rest. Instead, Trump’s tough border stance and promises of federal prosecution for city officials and administrations that don’t uphold federal immigration standards are winning him decisive numbers of new voters among the very groups leftist media outlets have been trying to enflame and alienate on charges of Trump racism and human cruelty.
Can you imagine their panic? Wait. It gets worse.
Trump’s approval rating with Hispanics is now up 10% since his election to 38% and his approval with African Americans has risen from 12% on election day 2016 to 29% today. His approval among black men is at 38%, an all time high for any Republican President in history. Remembering that under normal circumstances Democrat candidates expect to carry and require 90-92% of the black vote to win an election and the handwriting on the wall is indelible ink. Trump’s grip on a reelection victory is stronger by the day.
And it’s no surprise.
In the run up to the 2016 election, I wrote explicitly, explaining that Trump’s unique positioning as a media phenomenon and his long and visible history of working closely with the black and hispanic communities in New York City would reveal him as the Democrat’s worst nightmare in terms of cutting into their long held and required monolithic dominance among minority voters. Add to that Trump’s powerfully populist appeal to Rust Belt blue collar workers, his own rough around the edges “Jersey Boy” blue collar commonality and his promise to make the forgotten American working class the focus of his economic platform and what we have seen emerge is nothing less than a predictable wrecking ball laid violently against the very foundations of Democrat political power.
And with record low unemployment and record high wage and household income numbers for both black and hispanic families, Trump has delivered on his promises to urban and minority workers in ways that can only send tectonic shockwaves through the common wisdom of binary, Democrat-Republican voting blocs and the lay lines of ancient divisions between red-blue party loyalties.
Using economic results rather than racial division and hatred, Trump is absolutely dismantling the power base of the Democrat political machine, leaving them with ONLY the message of white versus black and rich versus poor as their rallying cry in 2018 and beyond. They are a ship without compass or rudder. Which is precisely why we see them gravitating openly now to the radical fringes of socialism and promises of things like universal basic income, single payer healthcare and free college for all.
But the truth of the matter is, the vast majority of real Americans don’t want free stuff. Never have. They just want a secure job, a chance to keep more of what they earn, buy their own home, and provide for and raise their families with the satisfaction that only comes from self-reliance, earned prosperity and honest rewards for honest work. The overwhelming majority of Americans are appalled by Democratic Socialism and always will be.
And so long as Donald Trump keeps ringing up his string of economic policy wins that shrink the job market, make employers compete for skilled workers with higher wages and benefits and put more Americans in paying jobs and off of the welfare rolls, all those Democrat promises of race baiting and class warfare and black versus white are going to fall on deaf ears, deadened by the realization that the Democrat Party promised for 80-years to improve conditions and level the playing field for minority families and never once came close to accomplishing what the man the media calls, ‘Racist-in-Chief’ has promised and then delivered to American working families of every race, color and creed.
Because he loves America. And he loves the American people.
And all of that spells long term destruction for the Democrat Party, left with their final and most nefarious reality, that their perpetuated political fortunes are doomed, unless they can still succeed in their ultimate plan of importing a massive and decisive alien voting bloc from nations that love socialism and Democrat misery in ways true Americans never would have and never will.