Just Trump It. Supermodel Elizabeth Pipko’s Daring MAGA Reveal

It’s a well known fact that conservative, Trump-supporting women are by and large, superior to their feminist counterparts in ways readily visible and intrinsic. Adding serious heat and fire to that sociological truism is one of the most desirable females on the planet, who broke the internet this week not by stripping down, but by baring her political allegiances to President Donald Trump and the movement to Make America Great Again.
In published interviews this week, Maxim magazine staple and Instagram queen, Elizabeth Pipko stunned trendy establishment losers by revealing that she parts ways with the Trump-bashing predilections of her demographic peers and is a supporter of President Donald Trump. At a time when media and Hollywood are in nuclear meltdown of Trump-hating rage, Pipko indicated that she had long concealed her political leanings out of fear of both social backlash and career destruction, contemplating whether such a revelation could spell the end of her very lucrative reign as one of the best sets of curves in print photography today.
Pipko, who has visited the White House and worked officially in the 2016 campaign, opened up recently to the New York Post:
“I decided to volunteer for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign in the spring of 2016. I never leaned liberal or conservative, but there was something about Trump — the way he spoke and his honesty — that had me convinced he was our next president. I worked in a call center in Trump Tower. Within eight weeks, I was hired as a national volunteer services coordinator for the data team and paid $4,000 a month.
It was clear from the start that, if I wanted to survive in modeling, I couldn’t tell anyone about my new job.
Once, after working a 10-hour-day on the Trump campaign, I went to meet with my manager (who was not affiliated with a modeling agency). He and a colleague were enraged, screaming about how much they hate Trump. My manager kept saying how evil the people who work for him must be and that he would never work with anyone who supported him.
I was terrified they would find out that I was one of the so-called evil people.
So I lied and told people I was coaching ice skating — I was a competitive figure skater for seven years — whenever I was really hard at work in Trump Tower. When I ran into a modeling friend on my way there one day, I immediately hid my badge and said I was running errands.
But at every modeling job or meeting, the talk inevitably turned to Trump, and it was always high-stress.
At one shoot, the photographer came in wearing a black T-shirt with a gigantic red slash over Trump’s face. I was so unnerved, I could barely concentrate on the job at hand.
–Pro Trump Supermodel, Elizabeth Pipko
Another time, in July 2016, Trump had said something controversial and it was all over the news. I was at Miami Swim Week for fashion shows, and the 15 other models were bashing him. I just sat in the corner and pretended to be on my phone. I didn’t want to be ostracized.”
So, let’s extend a hearty MAGA-Dittos salute to this brave outlier of the present groupthink shaming exercise in American culture.