The Coming Dollar Crash: Anatomy of the Petrodollar Collapse and the End of America

America has existed for 50 years and more on a precipice of monetary insolvency. Positioned deliberately where every American now alive has lived for a lifetime, at the edge of an abyss of catastrophic national debt, dying currency and an erosion of individual wealth that has served as stealth taxation for leaders and citizens unwilling to live within our national means and for bankers all too eager to use their casino parlor games and precarious consequences as an ever dangling Damoclesian sword of policy blackmail.
The bargain has always been one of forced compliance, ensuring that our line of ascended vacuous puppets and politicians toe the line of incremental treason, under constant threat of a triggered systemic collapse on their watch and to their eternal blame. I said even prior to Donald Trump’s election that his obstinate push to restore honest government to the people would offer the prime opportunity for the global cabal to collapse the banking system and blame their encyclopedia of sins on a populist champion and on capitalism en toto.
And here we are.
Poised for another multi-trillion dollar infusion of monopoly money into a bottomless pit of structural headwinds, virus-induced collapses of retail sales and travel industries and confronting the very real possibility that the long awaited catastrophic devaluation of the U.S. Dollar is about to begin.
The arriving staircase of a cascade event follows with scripted predictability. The anatomy of the end of the Petrodollar will read like a horror novel.
We gin the printing press indefinitely to deal with the pandemic and unemployment that balloons to 40% before the biological portion of the crisis passes.
Our national debt by that time approaches $30-35-trillion in actual obligation, roughly 250% of our gross domestic product which will have been demolished by the economic slowdown.
Central banks and ratings houses, noting our obvious reversal of fortune and inability to service our debt load, much less to ever clear the bloated FED balance sheet downgrade our credit rating, instantaneously quadrupling the amount we pay annually simply to service the interest of our debt load.
Foreign holders of U.S. treasury bonds head for the exits in droves, liquidating their worthless paper and attempting to salvage exchange liquidity as the value of the dollar begins to plummet.
With the final implosion of our bond markets, the U.S. Dollar liquefies in a matter of weeks, with the dollar index crashing and gold prices rising in record leaps.
Meetings are convened in Beijing, Geneva, Switzerland, Helsinki, Finland and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia to discuss the global market basket of currencies and the future status of the ailing U.S. dollar as world reserve currency. A growing consensus spreads through the BRICS nations and to OPEC that the time has come to end the Bretton Woods agreement in favor of a return to gold or a sufficiently gold backed currency as replacement.
At noon on a Monday in Davos, OPEC and a consortium of the world central banking cartel announce formally that all transactions for oil and gold will be conducted in gold-backed Yuan-RMB and that the dollar is no longer the world reserve.
In the span of the week that follows, America’s ten largest banks declare bankruptcy, as the plunging dollar valuation leaves their foreign investment exposure unprotected rendering them incapable of sustaining leveraged derivative obligations amounting to $100-300-trillion.
The stock markets crater, plunging thousands of American companies into similar straits as the revolving business credit market evaporates and share prices drop to pennies on the dollar.
Hyperinflation in the American marketplace begins in earnest at the very moment more than 50% of Americans are suddenly without jobs. The dollar is nearly valueless and in short order, is comparable to the Mexican peso or Zimbabwe currency.
Within one year, America suffers a grecian scale collapse into third world conditions. Mass starvation, sustained street warfare and social chaos resulting in martial law.
In a desperate bid to stabilize the economic implosion, American leaders, begging on the good graces of previous allies in Canada, Mexico and in the Eurozone negotiate a ceding of American sovereign wealth in exchange for entrance into a North American Union with common currency that effectively ends the United States as a sovereign nation.
And if you believe a viral release that crashed the economy, locked down and impoverished average people AND resulted in the emptying of jails of violent criminals just prior to a national racial protest event and a broad scale currency collapse are an unrelated sequence of events, you deserve to lose your country in November.
The “Rule or Ruin” party is now in firm control.