Amino ‘Goop Burgers’ and Cockroach Crunch: RINO John Hoeven Welcomes China Green New Food Deal to North Dakota
In peacetime, there might be a roomy discussion on topic. With Russia and China unified firmly against American interests and ratcheting tensions across the globe, the truth is clear: Any Chinese access to American agricultural land, infrastructure and food research is at best, a strategic liability. At worst, it is aid, comfort and food supply for an enemy nation, the dangers of which outweigh any financial reward. The very definition of Joe Biden-style economic treason.
It’s a truth former North Dakota Governor and now, U.S. Senator John Hoeven doesn’t understand. And close inspection of his record proves he never will. His record shows, Chinese money is just too good. More addictive than Hunter’s crack habit.
In 2010, then Governor Hoeven brokered a Chinese partnership and millions in taxpayer dollars for a proposed coal-to-methanol fuel facility that was never built. Boondoggle, strike one.
Sold as a livestock feed producer, U.S. Senator Hoeven’s 2022 “Beijing surprise,” the $750-million Baoji Fufeng corn protein processing plant proposed for Grand Forks, will give Chinese scientists and their globalist investors access to America’s food supply, cutting edge crop science research and a production stream for synthetic meat products that threaten the very survival of North Dakota’s farmers and ranchers. All for a promised 40-cent per bushel boost to the corn price.
Thirty pieces of silver would be more apropos. Iscariot betrayal in multiple acts.
Home to the mighty Grand Forks Air Force Base, the Global Hawk drone surveillance mission and an early launch radar warning system identically deployed in embattled Taiwan, the strategic liabilities of any Communist Chinese presence in Grand Forks are obviously rejected by common sense. But as we’re rapidly learning in supply chains destroyed by COVID-19 lockdowns and in the food, oil and fertilizer scarcity play of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, global economic warfare is the modern battlefield. And it’s a battlefield China is moving quickly to dominate and control.
The Communist Chinese are playing for keeps. And Senator John Hoeven keeps helping.
Using emerging laboratory science, Fufeng USA’s Grand Forks facility will use high efficiency wet corn extraction methods to derive Lysine and Threonine, food grade amino acids used as plant-based protein sources in everything from livestock and pet foods to the imitation hamburgers and meatless fast food items that globalist economists and climate change alarmists hope will permanently replace beef, pork and chicken on the American plate.
And that’s not all. Hang onto your stomach.
Fefung scientists and futurists also propose giving these amino acid feed byproducts to insects like mealworm larvae, earthworms, crickets and grasshoppers. Insects to be commercially farmed and fortified as future food crops for human consumption as “Earth friendly” alternatives to livestock.
A nightmare menu for a globalist future without delicious steaks, burgers, fried chicken and bacon, or the generations of family farmers and ranchers that provide them. In the dystopian future proposed by Fufeng and their Chinese Communist Party and globalist investor pals like Microsoft’s Bill Gates and BlackRock Fund’s Larry Fink, we may very well be forced to trade juicy steaks and the Star Spangled Banner for cockroaches and communism. Or, else.
If any of this sounds familiar, it should. China’s national food insecurity crisis and the leftist insanity over anthropogenic, or man-caused climate change, are pushing a combined world agenda that will radically alter the cars we drive, the food we eat and the way it’s grown. Replacing the planned obsolescence of the family farm and ranch with field-to-factory-to-table vertical integration of giant corporate farms, corporate chemists and corporate processors churning out food products that have nothing to do with the human palette and everything to do with government behavioral mandates and population control.
You likely know these concepts as Alexandria Ocasio Cortez’s, “Green New Deal,” Joe Biden’s, “Build Back Better,” the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset,” and United Nations “Agenda 2030.” But no matter the name, the plan is the same. A systematic plot to integrate the unproven and unsettled science of Climate Change panic into a radical geopolitical transformation of every aspect of human life that will be felt by every person on the planet.
And with the Fufeng USA corn lysine and threonine extraction facility in Grand Forks, yet another strategic outpost for the Communist Chinese that will help to secure China’s nutritional needs in this transformational era where food instability, Joe Biden’s recently promised food shortages and the designed breakdown of the world economy play to the advantage of dictatorships, mega corporations and the global policy elite looking to capitalize on an increasingly desperate and hungry world. A world the proud American farmer and rancher have abundantly fed for nearly a century. And still can.
A busted coal-methanol boondoggle that fell apart is typical fare for any run-of-the-mill political hack. But backing a CCP foothold with strategic significance for both the American food supply and national military security proves that John Hoeven’s priorities are easily purchased by entities and forces provably working against our national sovereignty and for the outright destruction of the American farmer and all of us who’ve enjoyed the most abundant, delicious and dependably affordable food supply the world has ever known.
Tell Bill Gates, Larry Fink, Klaus Schwab, John Hoeven and Doug Burgum, to keep their amino acid goop burgers and cockroach crunch to themselves and let’s keep the American farmer alive and in business producing food that Americans actually want to eat.
And somebody, please tell North Dakotans to stop putting foxes in charge of the henhouse.